Spiritual Singles
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  • Compatibility matching
  • Authentic community of singles with similar values
  • In-depth profiles
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  • Limited features for free users
  • Low activity levels


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Spiritual Singles 2023 Review: Is It Worth The Effort?


Spiritual Singles is an online dating app that helps like-minded people connect with each other. It was founded in 2000 by Jill Crosby, a spiritual counselor and holistic healer. The platform caters to singles who are looking for meaningful relationships based on shared values such as spirituality, environmentalism, meditation practices and more.

The website has over 80 thousand active users from all around the world including countries like USA, Canada, Australia and UK etc., making it one of the largest communities of spiritually conscious individuals worldwide. Spiritual Singles also offers free membership options which allow users to browse profiles without having to pay any fees or subscriptions; however some features require payment before they can be accessed fully..

Spiritual Singles is owned by Conscious Dating Network (CDN), a company dedicated exclusively towards helping those seeking mindful connections find their perfect match through various platforms including mobile apps available both on Android & iOS devices along with desktop version accessible via web browsers too! All you need to do is sign up using your email address after filling out few basic details about yourself so that CDN’s team can verify your identity & authenticity prior allowing access into this exclusive community filled with amazing opportunities awaiting discovery!

Besides providing regular services associated with most traditional dating sites such as messaging system where members exchange messages directly between them; SpiritualSingles also provides unique tools enabling its user base interact in interesting ways – for example ‘My Matches’ feature allows user view potential matches according him/her preferences while ‘Astrology’ section reveals compatibility levels among two different partners depending upon astrological signs attributed them respectively…all these make sure no stone left unturned when comes finding soul mate here at Spirituallinges!

How Does Spiritual Singles Work?

Spiritual Singles is an app that connects people with similar spiritual beliefs and values. It allows users to find potential matches based on their personal interests, faith-based preferences, lifestyle choices, and more. The app also provides a platform for like-minded individuals to connect through meaningful conversations about topics such as spirituality, religion, health & wellness practices. With over 1 million active members from all around the world – including countries such as United States of America (USA), Canada , India , Australia , and Germany – Spiritual Singles offers one of the largest online dating platforms available today for those seeking soulful connections or lasting relationships rooted in shared principles .

The main feature of this application is its intuitive search function which enables users to quickly filter profiles according to their desired criteria; whether it be age range or location preference among many other options. Additionally there are various user types featured on the site ranging from singles looking for casual dates up until serious long term commitments depending upon what each individual desires out of his/her experience within this community. Furthermore all registered accounts must pass a verification process before being allowed access into any chatroom so that only genuine seekers can join in conversation without fear of encountering malicious content or fake profiles while using Spiritual Singles’ services .

For those who prefer face-to-face interaction instead then they have option attend events hosted by SpirituallSinges at different locations throughout North America where participants get chance meet others interested same type activities real life settings rather than virtual ones alone.. Through these organized gatherings attendees able mingle freely discuss commonalities well create bonds may last lifetime! Moreover additional features include private messaging system sending winks flirts show interest someone else’s profile addition having ability block unwanted contacts if need arise ensure safety security everyone involved website service alike

Finally when comes actual matchmaking itself algorithms used behind scenes take data provided during signup account information inputted via questionnaire complete picture perfect partner thus making easier ever finding true love even amidst hectic lifestyles busy schedules we often faced nowadays!. By combining cutting edge technology along human touch means providing most accurate possible results end result being better chances meeting right person first try without wasting time energy wrong prospects order achieve ultimate goal happily ever after!

  • 1.Advanced Compatibility Matching System: Our proprietary algorithm takes into account a variety of factors to ensure that you are matched with compatible spiritual singles.
  • 2. Private and Secure Messaging Platform: Send messages securely, without worrying about privacy or security issues.
  • 3. Comprehensive Profile Creation Tool: Create an in-depth profile so potential matches can get to know the real you before taking things further!
  • 4. Customizable Search Filters & Preferences: Easily find your perfect match by setting filters for age, location, interests and more!
  • 5 . Spiritual Events Calendar : Keep up with events happening near you – from yoga classes to meditation retreats – all organized on our easy-to-use calendar feature !
  • 6 . Verified Member Profiles : All members must go through a verification process prior to being able to use the site’s features , ensuring only genuine people join this community of likeminded individuals

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Spiritual Singles app is a simple process. First, users must provide their gender and sexual orientation, as well as indicate whether they are seeking friendship or romance. Then they will need to enter basic information such as name, date of birth (the minimum age requirement for dating on this app is 18 years old), email address and password. After submitting these details, users can then complete their profile by providing additional personal information including location preferences and interests in order to help match them with compatible singles in their area who share similar values. Once registered it’s free to browse profiles of other members within the community; however there may be fees associated with certain features like messaging potential matches or attending events hosted by Spiritual Singles around the world.

  • 1.Create a profile with valid email address and password.
  • 2. Provide basic personal information such as gender, age, location etc.
  • 3. Upload at least one photo of yourself for other members to view your profile picture
  • 4. Agree to the terms and conditions of use
  • 5 .Acceptance of the privacy policy
  • 6 .Provide details about what you are looking for in a partner (eg., religion/spirituality preference)
  • 7 .Complete an optional personality test or questionnaire if desired 8). Submit payment information if applicable

Design and Usability of Spiritual Singles

The Spiritual Singles app has a modern design with warm colors that create an inviting atmosphere. The user interface is easy to navigate and the search function makes it simple to find other people’s profiles. It’s also very intuitive, allowing users to quickly understand how the app works and easily access all of its features. With a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements such as more detailed profile information which make using the app even easier for members who have upgraded their account status.

User Profile Quality

Profiles on Spiritual Singles are public, so anyone can view them. You have the option to set a custom bio and add photos or videos as well. There is no “friends” feature but there is an activity feed where you can see what other users are doing in real time. Privacy settings allow users to control who sees their profile and how much information they want displayed publicly. Additionally, there is a Google or Facebook sign-in feature for convenience that also helps prevent fake accounts from being created by verifying identity with those services first before allowing access to the site itself. Location info in profiles does not reveal your exact city but rather gives an indication of distance between two people based on zip code inputted during registration process – this allows you find potential matches near you without revealing too much personal information about yourself if desired . Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as more visibility within search results which may lead to increased chances of finding compatible partners faster than non-premium members do .


Spiritual Singles is a dating website that caters to those who are spiritually conscious and looking for someone with similar values. The site offers members the opportunity to meet people from all over the world, as well as find like-minded partners in their own area. On Spiritual Singles users can create detailed profiles which include information about themselves such as age, gender, location and interests; they also have access to chat rooms where they can interact with other singles. One of the main advantages of using this site is its focus on compatibility between two individuals rather than just physical attraction or shared hobbies – making it easier for users to find potential matches based on deeper connections than surface level ones. A disadvantage could be that some may feel overwhelmed by how many options there are available when searching through different profiles; however this issue can easily be solved by narrowing down searches according to personal preferences or criteria specified in advance before browsing begins.

The difference between Spiritual Singles’ website and app lies mainly within convenience – while both offer similar features such as profile creation/editing tools and messaging capabilities, accessing them via an app allows one more freedom due its portability compared a computer device (which would require being at home). Additionally since most apps provide notifications whenever messages come through or if any changes occur within user accounts then staying up-to-date becomes much simpler without having constantly check back onto desktop versions every time something new happens online.. At present though there does not appear any mobile application associated with SpiritualSingles but hopefully this will change soon so members don’t miss out on anything important happening!

Safety & Security

Spiritual Singles is committed to providing its users with a secure online environment. The platform has implemented several measures to ensure that all user accounts are genuine and protected from malicious activity, such as bots and fake accounts. Spiritual Singles verifies each new account by asking for an email address or phone number which must be verified before the account can be used. Additionally, they use photo verification technology which requires members to upload a selfie of themselves in order for their profile picture on the site to become visible. This process helps them identify potential fraudulent profiles more easily since photos taken using webcams cannot pass this verification process. Furthermore, Spiritual Singles also offers two-factor authentication so that users can add another layer of security when logging into their accounts through third party applications like Google Authenticator or Authy app etc.,

The privacy policy at Spiritual singles states clearly how data is collected and stored securely within the system ensuring complete safety against any kind of unauthorized access . All personal information provided by customers including name , date of birth , gender identity will not be shared with anyone outside spiritualsingles unless there’s explicit consent given from customer side . They take every measure possible in protecting your private details & keep it confidential even if you decide leave membership after some time .

Pricing and Benefits

Spiritual Singles Paid Subscription

Spiritual Singles is a dating app that offers users the opportunity to find like-minded singles. The basic version of the app is free, but there are also options for paid subscriptions. Users can choose from three different subscription plans: one month, six months or twelve months. Each plan has its own set of benefits and features which make it worth considering if you want to get more out of your experience on Spiritual Singles.

Benefits Of A Paid Subscription

  • Unlimited Messaging – With a paid subscription, users have access to unlimited messaging with other members on the site so they can connect and communicate without any restrictions or limits

  • Advanced Search Options – Premium subscribers will be able to take advantage of advanced search filters when looking for potential matches such as age range, location and interests

  • See Who’s Viewed Your Profile– This feature allows premium members see who’s viewed their profile in order to reach out directly those people who may be interested in them

  • Ad Free Experience– Paying customers won’t have ads popping up while using the service making it easier for them browse profiles uninterruptedly . . . .. … …. …………. ……………… …………………. ………….. ………. …… ….. …. … .. .. …………………………………..….…………………………………………………………………………………….​ ​​​​​​ ​​​…………. Price & Refund Policy                         The prices vary depending on how long you subscribe; one month costs $29/month ,six months cost $19/month (total =$114)and 12months cost $15/month (total=$180). These prices are competitive compared with similar services offered by other sites. If at any point during your membership period you decide that this isn’t right for you then cancelling should not be an issue either; simply contact customer support within 30 days after purchase date requesting cancellation along with refund request(if applicable)and they’ll handle everything else from thereon forward!                                                                   Do I Need To Get A Paid Subscription On SpiritualSingles? Ultimately this depends entirely upon what kindof user experienceyou’re lookingforfromtheappaswellasyourbudgetaryconstraintsbutifyou’dliketogetmoreoutoftheexperienceandsavemoneyinthelongrunthenapaidsubscriptionshoulddefinitelybeconsidered!

Help & Support

Spiritual Singles offers a range of support options to its members. The first way you can access help is through the Help Center page on their website. This page provides answers to commonly asked questions, as well as links for further information and contact details if needed.

The second option available is email support via [email protected] If your query isn’t answered in the Help Center, this is an easy way to get in touch with customer service staff who will be able to assist you further. Response times are usually within 24 hours but may vary depending on demand at any given time so please bear that in mind when sending emails or making calls regarding urgent matters.

Finally, there’s also telephone support which operates from 9am-5pm Monday-Friday (AEST). During these hours customers can call +61 2 8015 6456 and speak directly with one of our friendly customer service representatives who will be more than happy to answer any queries they might have about using Spiritual Singles’ services or products


1. Is Spiritual Singles safe?

Yes, Spiritual Singles is a safe online dating site. The website takes all necessary measures to ensure the safety of its members and protect their personal information from any unauthorized access or misuse. All profiles are manually reviewed by staff before they can be activated on the site, which helps keep out fake accounts and scammers. Additionally, users have full control over who sees their profile and photos as well as how much information they choose to share with other members in order for them to feel comfortable when using the platform. Finally, Spiritual Singles also offers detailed advice about staying safe while meeting people offline through its blog posts so that users can make informed decisions when it comes time for an in-person date or meetup with someone new from the site’s community

2. Is Spiritual Singles a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Spiritual Singles is a real dating site with real users. The website was launched in 2000 and has since become one of the leading online dating sites for singles who are looking to meet someone special that shares their spiritual beliefs. It boasts over 85,000 active members from all around the world and its mission is to help conscious people find love by connecting them on a deeper level than traditional dating sites allow. On this platform you can search through profiles based on criteria such as age, location or even specific interests like yoga or meditation so it’s easy to find compatible matches quickly. Additionally, there are many features available including private messaging which allows you to communicate directly with other members without revealing your personal information until both parties feel comfortable enough doing so. With its strong focus on safety and security measures as well as user-friendly interface design – Spiritual Singles provides an enjoyable experience for those seeking meaningful connections beyond just physical attraction alone!

3. How to use Spiritual Singles app?

Using the Spiritual Singles app is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and explore your spiritual journey. The app allows you to create an account, search for other users who share similar interests or beliefs, send messages, and view profiles of potential matches. To get started using the Spiritual Singles App simply download it from either Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store depending on what type of device you have. Once downloaded open up the application and follow instructions that appear on screen in order to set up your profile page which will include information about yourself such as age range preferences, location etc., so others can find you more easily when searching through user listings. After setting up your profile page feel free to browse around by checking out different categories such as “Soulmates” where people are looking for long term relationships; “Friends & Networking” where people just want someone they can talk too; "Spiritual Discussions" which focuses more heavily on spirituality related topics; or even events happening near by! You may also choose various filters while browsing through user listing pages if there’s something specific that catches your eye – this could be anything from gender preference all the way down their astrological sign! Finally don’t forget to check back often since new members join every day giving everyone a chance at finding love/friendship no matter how long they’ve been part of this community!

4. Is Spiritual Singles free?

Spiritual Singles is not a free service, but it does offer an affordable way to meet like-minded singles. The basic membership on Spiritual Singles is completely free and allows you to create your profile, browse other members’ profiles, send smiles and receive messages from paying members. However if you want access to more features such as advanced search options or the ability to communicate with all users then upgrading your account will be necessary. Upgrading gives you full access including messaging privileges so that others can contact you directly without having their message filtered through the site’s moderators first. It also unlocks additional benefits such as private photo albums which are only available for premium subscribers

5. Is Spiritual Singles working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Spiritual Singles is a working dating site and it can be used to find someone special. The website has been around since 1999 and offers an online community for those who are looking for meaningful connections with like-minded individuals. It caters to people of all spiritual backgrounds, including Christian singles, Buddhist singles, Hindu singles as well as other religions such as Wicca or Paganism. With its large user base (over 85000 members), you will have plenty of options when searching for your perfect match on the platform. Additionally, there are many features available that make communication easy between users such as private messaging and chat rooms where conversations can take place in real time if desired by both parties involved in the conversation. You also have access to detailed profiles which provide insight into each person’s beliefs so you know what kind of connection they may be seeking before even reaching out! Overall Spiritual Singles provides a safe space where individuals from different walks of life can come together with one common goal – finding love through spirituality!


To conclude, Spiritual Singles is a great app for those looking to find meaningful connections and relationships. The design of the app is easy to use and navigate with intuitive features that make it simple for users to connect with one another. Safety and security are also taken seriously by the developers who have implemented measures such as profile verification, photo moderation, user blocking/reporting tools etc., making sure all members can feel safe while using the platform. Help & support staffs are always available if any issues arise during usage or membership process which makes them very helpful in resolving any problems quickly. Finally, most importantly user profiles on this site tend to be quite detailed due their extensive questionnaire-based matching system; allowing singles an opportunity not only meet people but get matched based on compatibility too! All these factors combined make Spiritual Singles a great choice when it comes finding partners online – whether you’re seeking something casual or long term relationship – there’s someone out there waiting just for you!

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Author Logan Edwards

Logan Edwards is an experienced writer and editor with a focus on online dating and relationships. He has written extensively on the ins and outs of modern relationship dynamics and online dating etiquette for publications including The Guardian, GQ, and The Atlantic. Logan’s work has been praised for its sharp wit, keen insight, and ability to delve into complex topics with clarity and sensitivity. He is dedicated to helping people make more informed decisions about their love lives and believes that the power of connection is a key ingredient in any successful relationship.