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  • Wide user base
  • Easy to use interface
  • Multiple communication options
  • Free membership option
  • Detailed profile information
  • 1. Limited search options
  • 2. Not many users outside of Thailand
  • 3. Low response rate from members
  • 4. No video chat feature


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  • Active Audience:
  • Quality Matches:
  • Average Age:
  • Profiles:
  • Reply Rate:
  • Usability:
  • Popularity:
  • Fraud:
    Hardly ever
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  • Sign up:

ThaiFriendly: An In-Depth Look at the Popular Dating Platform


ThaiFriendly is an online dating platform that connects Thai singles with people from all over the world. It was launched in 2008 and has since become one of the most popular apps for finding dates, friends, and even potential partners in Thailand. The app’s user base consists mainly of young adults between 18-35 years old who are looking to meet new people or find a romantic partner.

The app offers several features such as free messaging services, photo galleries, profile customization options, search filters by age/location/interests etc., and advanced safety measures like blocking users you don’t want to communicate with anymore or reporting inappropriate behavior on the site. All these features make it easier for its users to find someone they can connect with quickly without having any difficulties navigating through different sections of the website or mobile application (if available).

Currently there are more than 2 million active members registered on ThaiFriendly which makes it one of the largest online dating platforms in Thailand today! The company behind this amazing success story is Cupid Media Ltd., a well-known Australian based tech firm that owns multiple other successful websites around Asia Pacific region including JapanCupid & VietnamCupid among others too! Currently their service is used by millions across 5 countries – namely: Australia , Canada , United Kingdom , USA & Thailand .

ThaiFriendly provides its basic services completely free but if you wish to access some additional premium benefits then there’s also an option available where you can upgrade your account accordingly at very reasonable prices starting from just $19 per month depending upon what type package suits best according your needs & budget requirements respectively ! You can download both Android / iOS versions directly from respective App Stores onto compatible devices easily enough although web version works great too so either way won’t be disappointed here no matter how prefer accessing things generally speaking anyway?

To register yourself as a member simply head over towards main page fill out required details submit form after agreeing terms conditions set forth done deal – welcome aboard enjoy journey ahead hopefully will lead somewhere special someday soon ? Good luck everyone hope found exactly what been searching long time finally thanks again choosing us provide quality service always strive do better each day come along believe really appreciate same thank once more sincerely team @ Thaifriendly 🙂

How Does ThaiFriendly Work?

ThaiFriendly is an online dating app that helps people find and connect with potential partners from Thailand. It offers a wide range of features, including search filters to help users narrow down their searches for compatible matches, as well as messaging tools so they can communicate directly with each other. The app also allows users to create detailed profiles in order to better express themselves and attract more attention from others on the platform. With over 1 million active members worldwide, ThaiFriendly has become one of the most popular apps for finding love or companionship in Thailand today.

When using ThaiFriendly you have access to thousands of profiles belonging both men and women looking for relationships ranging from casual encounters all the way up through marriage-minded individuals who are searching for life-long partnerships within this beautiful country located between India and China . Users can easily filter out what type of person they’re interested by age group , gender preference , location etc.. As far as countries go there are currently 5 major ones represented : United States , Canada , Australia UK & Germany making it easier than ever before no matter where you live around world !

In addition, once registered on ThaiFriendly you will be able view pictures posted by its members along with reading short bios about them which include interests hobbies likes/dislikes etc… This information gives great insight into whether someone might make good match or not without having spend hours talking back forth getting know them first hand . Furthermore if decide like what see then simply send message start conversation going until ready meet face face time when comes visiting country !

The user interface itself is designed be easy use even those who aren’t tech savvy while still providing necessary functions need get started quickly efficiently such creating profile uploading photos adding friends sending messages filtering results based preferences mentioned earlier much more! Moreover since website mobile friendly accessing your account via smartphone tablet device just convenient desktop computer giving ultimate flexibility choosing how want interact site whenever wherever choose do so!

Finally safety security top priority at Thai Friendly ensuring everyone feels comfortable safe environment free any kind harassment scams spamming trolling cyberbullying malicious activities alike something take very seriously here protect our community best ability provide excellent customer service team available answer questions concerns 24/7 basis should arise during course membership process ongoing usage thereafter period time!.

  • 1.Free and easy sign up process
  • 2. Advanced search options to find your perfect match
  • 3. Verified profiles for added security
  • 4. Live chat feature to communicate with other members in real time
  • 5. Instant messaging service for quick communication
  • 6. Privacy settings that allow you to control who can view your profile

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the ThaiFriendly app is a straightforward process. To begin, users will need to provide their gender and age (the minimum required age for dating on the app is 18). They must then create an account by entering a username, email address and password. After submitting these details they can add additional information such as location or interests if desired. Once registration has been completed, users are able to browse through other members’ profiles in order to find potential matches based upon shared interests or characteristics. Registration on ThaiFriendly is free of charge so there’s no cost involved with joining up!

  • 1.Create a username and password
  • 2. Provide an email address
  • 3. Enter personal information such as age, gender, location etc.
  • 4. Upload a profile picture
  • 5. Agree to the terms of service and privacy policy
  • 6 .Verify your account by clicking on the link sent in an email from ThaiFriendly
  • 7 .Fill out optional details about yourself such as interests or hobbies (optional) 8 .Complete registration process by clicking “Sign Up”

Design and Usability of ThaiFriendly

The ThaiFriendly app has a bright and modern design. It features colors such as blue, yellow, green and white which give it an inviting feel. The navigation is easy to use with tabs at the bottom of the screen for different sections like messages or search profiles. Finding other people’s profiles is straightforward; you can filter by location or interests using simple drop-down menus on each page. Usability wise, all functions are clearly labeled so users know exactly what they need to do in order to find their desired results quickly and easily without confusion. With a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements that make navigating even easier such as more advanced filtering options when searching for someone new or enhanced messaging capabilities between members who have already connected online

User Profile Quality

The user profiles on ThaiFriendly are public, meaning anyone can view them. The profile page includes a custom bio section where users can share information about themselves as well as an “about me” section with more details. There is also a “friends” feature which allows you to add other members and keep track of your interactions with them. Privacy settings allow users to control who sees their profile and how much information they want displayed publicly or privately, including the ability to hide location info if desired. Additionally, there is no Google or Facebook sign-in option so fake accounts are less likely but still possible depending on the security measures in place by ThaiFriendly itself for verifying new accounts created manually without external authentication methods like those offered by social media platforms..

When it comes to location info within profiles, this depends largely on what level of detail each individual user chooses when setting up their account initially – from simply indicating country/region down through city name if desired (or hiding all such data). Generally speaking though there isn’t any indication given regarding distance between two different people’s locations beyond whatever may be revealed via either party’s chosen privacy settings – however some premium subscription benefits do include features that help narrow down potential matches based upon proximity criteria amongst other things such as age range etcetera too.


ThaiFriendly is a popular dating website that has been around for over 10 years. It offers an easy-to-use platform to help people find their perfect match, whether it be for friendship or romance. The site allows users to create profiles and search through other members’ profiles in order to make connections with those who share similar interests and backgrounds. One of the main advantages of ThaiFriendly is its user friendly interface which makes navigation simple even if you are new to online dating sites. Additionally, there are many features such as messaging options, instant chat rooms and video calls available on the site so users can get acquainted before deciding if they want pursue a relationship further offline. However one disadvantage could be that some fake accounts have been known exist on this website so caution should always be taken when using any kind of online service like this one

The difference between ThaiFriendly’s website version versus its app version lies mainly in convenience; while both offer access to all the same features such as creating profile pages and searching through others’ profiles, only the app allows users more flexibility by allowing them access from anywhere at anytime since it runs directly off your phone rather than having being tied down by needing internet connection via computer or laptop first . As far as drawbacks go however , due data restrictions apps tend not take up much storage space but may run slower compared websites depending on how powerful your device is . At present time , unfortunately there isn’t any official desktop/laptop based web browser versions available yet though plans for development might happen sometime soon given enough demand from customers .

Safety & Security

ThaiFriendly is a secure dating platform that takes user security very seriously. It has several measures in place to ensure the safety of its users, such as verification methods for new accounts and fighting against bots and fake accounts. All new members must verify their account with an email address or phone number before they can start using the app. ThaiFriendly also uses AI-based algorithms to detect suspicious activity on the site, which helps it identify potential bot profiles or malicious actors quickly so that appropriate action can be taken immediately if needed. Photos are manually reviewed by moderators who check for any inappropriate content before allowing them onto the site; this ensures only genuine photos appear on profile pages ensuring all users have access to accurate information about each other when looking at profiles online. Additionally, there is a two-factor authentication option available which adds another layer of protection from hackers trying to gain unauthorized access into someone’s account through phishing attacks etc., making sure your data remains safe while you enjoy meeting people online via ThaiFriendly’s services safely! The privacy policy provided by Thai Friendly states clearly how personal data collected will be used within its website & mobile applications along with details regarding third party sharing & retention policies applicable across different regions worldwide including Thailand itself where it operates primarily out of Bangkok city center offices located near Siam Square shopping mall district area . The company does not sell any user information nor do they use cookies/trackers without prior consent from registered customers providing more peace of mind during browsing sessions . Furthermore , encryption protocols are employed throughout various levels protecting customer credentials whenever logging in remotely outside local network range adding extra layers safeguard towards cyber threats

Pricing and Benefits

ThaiFriendly is a free app that helps users connect with people from Thailand. It has become one of the most popular dating apps in the country, but does it really require a paid subscription?

The basic version of ThaiFriendly is completely free and allows you to send messages, create profiles, search for matches and more. However, if you want access to additional features such as advanced messaging options or VIP status then there are two different types of premium subscriptions available: Gold Membership ($24.99/month) and Platinum Membership ($34.99/month).

Benefits Of A Paid Subscription:

  • Unlimited messaging capabilities
  • Ability to view full profile pictures                                                           
     – Access exclusive offers on events & promotions                                            – View who visited your profile – Stand out from other members by having highlighted text & icons next to your name – Get priority customer service support
     Prices for these plans are competitive when compared with similar services offered elsewhere online; however they may be too expensive for some users depending on their budget constraints or preferences.  In terms of cancellation process; all subscribers can cancel their membership at any time without penalty via emailing [email protected] Refunds will only be issued within 14 days after purchase date provided that no usage was made during this period (i.e., no message sent nor received). After 14 days refunds cannot be processed anymore due user agreement upon signing up which states “no refund” policy thereafter .                                                  Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On ThaiFriendly? The answer depends entirely on what kind of experience each individual wants out of using the app – those looking for an enhanced feature set might find value in getting either gold or platinum plan while others could get away just fine sticking with its free version alone

Help & Support

ThaiFriendly is a great platform for connecting with people from Thailand. It provides many features to help users find the perfect match, and it also offers support when needed.

If you need assistance on ThaiFriendly, there are several ways to access their customer service team. You can contact them via email or through their online form on the website’s Contact Us page. Additionally, they have an FAQ section where you can quickly get answers to commonly asked questions about using the site and its services. The response time of emails sent directly to customer service varies depending on how busy they are but usually takes no more than 24 hours before receiving a reply back from them.

Finally, if your query requires urgent attention then ThaiFriendly has dedicated phone lines available that customers may call during office hours (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm). This way customers will be able to speak directly with one of their friendly staff members who should be able resolve any issues in real time without having wait too long for an answer by email or webform submission first!


1. Is ThaiFriendly safe?

ThaiFriendly is generally considered to be a safe dating platform. It has been in operation since 2009 and offers users the ability to connect with other singles from Thailand, as well as those living abroad. The site takes measures such as monitoring user activity and profiles for any suspicious or inappropriate behavior, so that members can feel secure while using the service. Additionally, ThaiFriendly provides its users with safety tips on how to stay protected when engaging in online communication or meeting someone offline for the first time. Furthermore, all payments are secured through PayPal which ensures your financial information remains private at all times during transactions made within ThaiFriendly’s website environment

2. Is ThaiFriendly a real dating site with real users?

Yes, ThaiFriendly is a real dating site with real users. It has been in operation since 2004 and currently boasts over 1.8 million members from all around the world. The majority of its user base are based in Thailand, but it also attracts singles from other countries such as Japan, China and the United States who are looking to meet someone special or just make new friends while travelling abroad. The website offers several features that help facilitate communication between users including instant messaging, video chat and an advanced search feature which allows you to filter your results by location or interests so you can find people who share similar values or lifestyles more easily than on some other sites out there today. Additionally they offer safety tips for online daters so everyone can have a safe experience when using their services no matter where they may be located geographically speaking

3. How to use ThaiFriendly app?

Using the ThaiFriendly app is a great way to meet new people and make friends in Thailand. To get started, you will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once downloaded, you can create an account with your email address or Facebook login details. After creating your profile, it’s time to start exploring! You can search for other users by location (or even worldwide) and filter results based on age range and gender preferences if desired. When viewing another user’s profile page, you have several options including sending messages directly through the app as well as adding them as a friend so that they appear in your list of contacts within ThaiFriendly itself. Additionally there are features such as “Poke” which allows users who share mutual interests to connect quickly without having sent any messages beforehand; this makes it easy for shy individuals looking for someone special!

4. Is ThaiFriendly free?

Yes, ThaiFriendly is free to use. It does not require any payment or subscription in order to access its features and services. With a free account, users can browse through the profiles of other members on the site as well as send messages and smiles for free. They also have an option to upgrade their accounts with additional benefits such as unlimited messaging capabilities, advanced search options and VIP profile highlighting among others if they choose so.

5. Is ThaiFriendly working and can you find someone there?

Yes, ThaiFriendly is a working website and it can be used to find someone. The site has been around since 2008 and currently boasts over 1 million members from Thailand alone. It’s free to join the site, so you don’t have to worry about spending any money before finding out if this is the right place for you or not. You’ll also find that there are plenty of features available on ThaiFriendly such as messaging other users, searching by location or interests, adding friends/favorites list and more – all designed with helping people connect in mind! With its large user base of active members looking for relationships both casual and serious alike; chances are good that anyone could potentially meet someone special through this platform – whether they’re seeking friendship or something more meaningful like love & romance.


In conclusion, ThaiFriendly is a great dating app for those looking to find partners in Thailand. The design and usability of the app are user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to navigate around the site. Safety and security measures are also taken seriously with verification processes that help ensure users’ safety when using the platform. Help & support staff can be contacted easily if needed while user profile quality is generally good as well – most profiles have detailed information about their interests or hobbies which makes it easier for potential matches to connect on common ground. All things considered, ThaiFriendly has been designed with its users in mind – from providing an enjoyable experience through features like icebreakers or photo contests all the way up to taking care of your privacy by allowing you control who sees what content on your profile page – this could be improved further but overall still stands out among other similar apps available today!

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Author Kayla Long

Kayla Long is a dating expert and writer with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. With a Bachelor's degree in communications and years of experience in the industry, she has the knowledge and skills to help online daters make smart choices. She has written reviews for a number of dating websites and apps, such as Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid, and provides helpful advice on how to make the most of your online dating experience. When she's not busy reviewing or writing, Kayla enjoys travelling, reading, and trying out new recipes.