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  • 1. Free to join and use
  • 2. Easy to navigate interface
  • 3. Variety of search options available
  • 4. Multiple chat rooms for different interests
  • Unverified profiles
  • Limited search filters
  • Low user base in some areas
  • Lack of customer support


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    Hardly ever
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Is OasisActive the Best Place to Find Love and Romance?


OasisActive is an online dating app that was launched in 2008 and has become one of the most popular apps for singles looking to find a connection. It’s owned by 3H Group Pty Ltd, which also owns other social networking sites such as RSVP.com and Matchfinder Australia. The platform is free to use, with additional features available through subscription plans or credits purchased within the app itself.

The OasisActive user base consists mainly of young adults aged 18-35 who are interested in meeting new people from around their area or across the world – depending on what they’re looking for! There are currently over 20 million active users registered on this platform, making it one of the largest communities worldwide when it comes to finding love online.

In terms of popularity, OasisActive ranks among some top contenders like Tinder and Bumble – but its main strength lies in its ability to connect people without having them reveal too much personal information about themselves right away (which can be a great way for those who want privacy). This makes it especially attractive amongst younger generations seeking relationships outside traditional norms such as marriage/long-term commitment etc., while still being able to meet someone special quickly & easily via mobile device!

To register with Oasis Active you need only provide your email address along with basic profile details including age range preference; gender identity; location (city); relationship status etc.. Once these steps have been completed successfully then you will gain access into all areas where members interact freely: forums; chat rooms; private messaging systems etc… Furthermore there’s even an official Android App version so anyone wanting quick access just needs download onto their phone before signing up directly from there if desired instead!.

How Does OasisActive Work?

OasisActive is a free dating app that has become increasingly popular over the last few years. It offers users an easy way to find and connect with potential partners in their area, as well as across the world. The key features of OasisActive include its advanced search filters, which allow users to narrow down results based on criteria such age range, gender identity and location; instant messaging capabilities; photo sharing options; profile customization tools; virtual gifts for members you’re interested in connecting with more deeply or romantically.

The user profiles are organized into two main categories: “Regulars” who are looking for friendship or casual dates without any commitment involved, and “Romantics” who want something more serious like long-term relationships or marriage prospects. You can easily browse through both types of profiles using the app’s intuitive interface – simply select your desired category from within your settings menu before beginning your search! As far as geographic diversity goes – Oasis Active boasts millions of active users from countries all around the globe including Australia (where it was founded), United States , Canada , New Zealand , India & South Africa .

In addition to being able to view other people’s public information via their profile page (including pictures) you also have access private chat rooms where conversations between members can take place securely away from prying eyes if they choose so do so privately by invitation only basis only.. With this feature comes a host of additional benefits such message notifications when someone replies back after sending them an initial message plus plenty other useful functions too numerous mention here right now but suffice say there lots helpful bells whistles make communication process smoother easier than ever before!.

Another great thing about Oasis Active is that it allows non-paying members limited access certain premium features normally reserved paying customers instance ability send receive unlimited messages per day rather just three allowed regular account holders further enhancing experience those willing pay upgrade subscription plans various levels depending individual needs budget constraints . Furthermore many extra perks come along upgraded accounts example higher ranking searches increased visibility among others making worth investment especially individuals seeking true love connection above anything else!.

Finally one standout aspects service would be fact company takes security privacy very seriously implementing latest encryption technologies ensure personal data remains secure protected possible at times malicious activities taking place internet today giving peace mind knowing safety paramount concern every step taken platform itself always striving better improve overall user satisfaction rate time passes result providing excellent customer support team handle inquiries complaints promptly efficiently whenever needed no matter what issue may arise either technical related nature rest assured somebody will always ready help solve problem quickly effectively ensuring ultimate online dating experience everyone involved end day!.

  • 1.Profile Customization: Create a unique profile by adding photos, videos and personal information.
  • 2. Matching System: Find potential matches based on your preferences with the OasisActive matching system.
  • 3. Chat Room Feature: Connect with other users in real-time through the chat room feature to make new friends or find love online!
  • 4. Privacy Settings & Safety Features: Keep your account secure and private with customizable privacy settings and safety features such as two-factor authentication, photo verification, etc..
  • 5. Activity Feeds & Notifications : Stay up to date on what’s happening around you by checking out activity feeds from members near you or notifications about who liked/commented on your posts!
  • 6 . Group Discussions : Join group discussions related to topics that interest you for more meaningful conversations within the community

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the OasisActive app is a straightforward process. To begin, users will need to provide their email address and create a username and password. After that, they can fill out some basic information about themselves such as age, gender identity, location etc., along with an optional profile photo or avatar. Once all of this has been completed successfully then the user will be asked to agree to terms & conditions before submitting their details for review by OasisActive’s team of moderators who ensure compliance with community standards. Upon approval from these moderators (which usually takes no more than 24 hours), users are free to start using the app right away in order find matches based on mutual interests and hobbies shared within its extensive database of singles looking for love! The minimum required age for dating through this platform is 18 years old; however there may be additional restrictions depending upon your country/region’s laws governing online services like these so it’s best you check those first before signing up if you’re unsure about anything specific related thereto . Lastly registering an account here is completely free – although certain features require payment plans which can vary according to each individual user’s needs & preferences – but overall it provides great value at very reasonable prices compared against other similar apps available today!

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a unique username and password for their account.
  • 3. User should agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy prior to registering an account with OasisActive.
  • 4. All users are required to be at least 18 years old or have parental consent before signing up for an OasisActive account, if under 18 years old..
  • 5 .User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her own login information (username & password).
  • 6 .The user agrees not to use any other person’s registration details without permission from that person or entity who owns it originally, nor will they allow others access their personal profile on Oasis Active website using such credentials provided by them during signup process initially.. 7 .Users may only register one time per individual as multiple accounts created by same user will be deleted immediately upon detection by our system security team.. 8 The user also agrees not post any content which is inappropriate in nature including but not limited too: offensive language, hate speech etc., which violates community guidelines set forth in terms of service agreement when creating new accounts with us

Design and Usability of OasisActive

The OasisActive app has a bright and vibrant design, with colors like blue, green and yellow that make it visually appealing. The layout is simple to navigate; users can easily find profiles of other people by using the search bar or browsing through categories such as age range or location. The usability of the app is straightforward; buttons are clearly labeled and navigation menus are easy to understand. There don’t appear to be any UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription – all features remain unchanged regardless if you have an account type.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on OasisActive is generally good. Profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, however users have the option to set their profiles as private or hidden from search results. Custom bios can also be added for a more personal touch, though there isn’t a “friends” feature like other social media platforms. Privacy settings allow users to hide their location info if they wish, so that it doesn’t reveal any city information or indicate the distance between them and another user. There aren’t many fake accounts due to OasisActive’s stringent verification process which requires an email address confirmation before signing up with Google or Facebook sign-in options available too. Premium subscriptions do offer some benefits such as additional visibility in searches and access to exclusive features not available otherwise but overall all profiles are of high quality regardless of subscription status


OasisActive is a popular online dating website that offers its users the ability to find potential partners in their area. The site has been around since 2008 and boasts millions of active members from all over the world. It provides an easy-to-use platform for singles looking for love, friendship or just someone to chat with. OasisActive allows users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, search through other member’s profiles using various criteria such as age range or interests and even send messages directly from within the site itself. One of its main advantages is that it’s free to join so anyone can give it a try without any financial commitment upfront; however there are some drawbacks like limited features available on free accounts which require payment if you want more options like sending gifts or having access to premium content etc..

The difference between OasisActive’s website and app lies mainly in how they’re used: while both offer similar services (creating profile pages/searching), one is designed specifically for desktop computers while the other was created primarily with mobile devices in mind – allowing people who don’t have access at home but do own smartphones/tablets etc., take advantage of what this service has tooffer when out & about instead! As far as availability goes though, both versions should be equally accessible regardless where you live provided your device meets minimum requirements set by developers themselves (which aren’t particularly high).

At present time there isn’t an official dating website associated with Oasis Active although many people still use their existing account details when signing up elsewhere due convenience factor alone – no need creating new credentials each time user wants explore different websites offering same type services! Despite being well known brand name among those interested finding compatible matches online via internet sources lack dedicated web presence could also mean company simply doesn’t feel ready make move yet into this particular market segment either due cost involved setting everything up properly along general reluctance change things already working fine way they currently stand…

Safety & Security

OasisActive is committed to providing its users with a secure and safe environment. To ensure the security of user accounts, OasisActive has implemented several measures such as two-factor authentication, account verification process for new users and automated bot detection system. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection by requiring additional information from the user in order to access their account. This helps prevent unauthorized access even if someone knows your password or username. The verification process requires all new members to provide valid contact details before they can use the service which makes it difficult for bots or fake accounts to be created on OasisActive platform. Moreover, photos uploaded by members are manually reviewed by moderators who check them against known patterns associated with fraudulent activities so that any suspicious activity can be identified quickly and dealt with accordingly.. In addition, there is also a strict privacy policy in place which ensures that personal data collected from customers remains confidential at all times without being shared outside unless required under law enforcement purposes only .

Pricing and Benefits

OasisActive is a free dating app available on both iOS and Android devices. It has an extensive range of features, including the ability to search for potential matches based on location, age, gender and interests. The app also offers users access to chat rooms where they can interact with other members in real-time.

However, while OasisActive is free to use it does offer some premium services that require a paid subscription in order to access them fully. These include:

  • Advanced Search Filters – allowing you more control over who you see when searching for potential dates;

  • Increased Message Storage Capacity – enabling users store up their messages longer;

  • Ability To See Who Viewed Your Profile – so you know who’s interested without having to guess;

  • Priority Listing In Searches & Matches– giving your profile better visibility amongst others using the service .
    The prices vary depending upon how long of a subscription period one chooses but generally start at around $10 per month or $60 annually (which works out cheaper). This makes Oasis Active’s pricing quite competitive compared with other similar apps which usually charge upwards from $20/month onwards..
    In terms of cancelling subscriptions there are no refunds offered if someone decides they don’t want it anymore before its expiry date however once expired customers have 30 days within which time they can request cancellation by contacting customer support directly via email or phone call after this period passes then any further payments will be cancelled automatically unless renewed manually by the user themselves beforehand..                                                                                                                                      Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On OasisActive? Ultimately whether people decide that getting one would benefit them depends entirely upon what type of experience each individual person wants from using such an application as well as how much money he/she feels comfortable spending monthly towards accessing extra features not included under basic membership plans

Help & Support

OasisActive is an online dating platform that offers its users access to support when needed. The first way to get help on OasisActive is through their website. On the home page, there are links for ‘Help’ and ‘Contact Us’ which provide information about how you can contact them with any questions or concerns you may have. They also offer a FAQ section where many common queries are answered quickly and easily without having to wait for a response from customer service representatives. Additionally, they have phone numbers available in several countries so customers can call directly if necessary; however, this option does incur additional charges depending on your location and provider rates.

Another way of accessing support on OasisActive is via email by filling out the form provided at the bottom of their Contact Us page or sending an email directly using one of their designated addresses listed under Help > Email Support & Feedback link located in the footer menu bar across all pages within site itself . The general response time varies but typically ranges between 24-48 hours after submitting your query as long as it falls during business hours (Monday – Friday). If sent over weekends then expect delays due to limited staff availability during those times..

Finally, there’s also social media channels such as Facebook Messenger and Twitter where users can reach out with inquiries related specifically towards account issues like resetting passwords etc., although these tend not be monitored around clock either since they rely heavily upon volunteers who donate their free time whenever possible throughout weekdays only usually up until late evening EST/PST US timezone respectively.. All other requests should still be directed back towards main website instead just incase someone isn’t able answer immediately while logged into said accounts themselves otherwise could risk losing track message altogether unfortunately too!


1. Is OasisActive safe?

Yes, OasisActive is a safe platform for online dating. The website takes security seriously and has implemented measures to ensure that users can safely interact with one another without fear of malicious activity or identity theft. All user profiles are verified by email before they become active on the site, which helps reduce the risk of fake accounts and scammers trying to take advantage of other members. Additionally, all messages sent between users are encrypted using SSL technology so your conversations remain private and secure from third-party access. Furthermore, there is an inbuilt reporting system that allows you to report any suspicious behaviour or abuse quickly if it does occur while using the service. Overall OasisActive provides a safe environment for its members allowing them to find compatible matches easily without worrying about their safety online

2. Is OasisActive a real dating site with real users?

Yes, OasisActive is a real dating site with real users. It was launched in 2008 and has grown to become one of the largest free online dating sites in Australia. The website offers its members an easy-to-use platform for finding compatible matches based on their preferences such as age, location, interests and more. With over 11 million registered users worldwide it is estimated that at least 1 out of every 5 Australians have used or are currently using this service to find dates or potential partners. As well as providing access to other singles from all around the world who share similar interests, OasisActive also provides a range of features designed specifically for those looking for something serious including private messaging options and advanced search filters which allow you to narrow down your results by specific criteria like religion or ethnicity if desired.

3. How to use OasisActive app?

Using the OasisActive app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it, open up the application and create an account with a valid email address or Facebook profile information. After that’s done, you can start using all of its features right away! You will be able to search for other users in your area by their age range and interests; send messages to them; view their profiles; upload photos into albums on your own profile page as well as post status updates about yourself so others can see what kind of person you are. Additionally, if someone catches your eye while browsing through user profiles – don’t hesitate to add them as friends! This way they’ll know who you are when messaging back-and-forth with each other later on down the line – making it easier for both parties involved in getting acquainted further along after having made contact initially via OasisActive platform interface itself!

4. Is OasisActive free?

Yes, OasisActive is a free online dating site. It offers its users the ability to search for potential matches in their local area and even further afield. The website also allows users to create an account with basic information such as age, gender and location before they can start browsing other profiles on the platform. Users are able to message each other without having to pay any fees or subscription costs – making it one of the most cost-effective ways of meeting new people online today!

5. Is OasisActive working and can you find someone there?

Yes, OasisActive is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has been around since 2008 and offers a free online dating service for people who are looking for companionship or even love. It provides users with the ability to search through thousands of profiles in order to find potential matches based on their own criteria such as age, location, interests etc. Users can also communicate via instant messaging services or chat rooms which makes it easier than ever before to get connected with other singles in your area quickly and easily. With its user-friendly interface and easy sign up process you should have no problem finding someone that meets your needs on OasisActive!


To conclude, OasisActive is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are very intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate the platform. The safety features provided by the app ensure that users can have peace of mind when using it as their data is kept secure from third parties. Additionally, help and support are available 24/7 should any issues arise while navigating or using the service. Finally, user profiles on OasisActive tend to be quite detailed which makes searching through them easier than ever before – giving you more options in your search! All in all this makes OasisActive an excellent choice if you’re looking for someone special online!

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Author Kayla Long

Kayla Long is a dating expert and writer with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. With a Bachelor's degree in communications and years of experience in the industry, she has the knowledge and skills to help online daters make smart choices. She has written reviews for a number of dating websites and apps, such as Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid, and provides helpful advice on how to make the most of your online dating experience. When she's not busy reviewing or writing, Kayla enjoys travelling, reading, and trying out new recipes.