Just Cougars
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  • 1. Easy to use
  • 2. Discreet and secure
  • 3. Wide range of potential matches
  • 4. Advanced search filters
  • 5. Fun, interactive features
  • Expensive membership fees
  • Limited user base
  • Lack of safety features


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  • Fraud:
    Hardly ever
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Is Just Cougars the Right Place To Search For Your Perfect Match?


Just Cougars is an online dating platform that caters to mature singles who are looking for a serious relationship. It was founded in 2013 and has since become one of the most popular platforms among older adults seeking companionship, romance, or even marriage. The app’s target audience consists primarily of single men and women over 40 years old who want to find someone special with whom they can share their life experiences.

The Just Cougars app offers users several features such as private messaging, profile creation tools, photo galleries where members can upload pictures of themselves or browse through other user’s photos; a search function which allows users to filter by age range and location; advanced matchmaking algorithms designed specifically for finding compatible matches based on individual preferences; as well as access to exclusive events hosted by the company itself throughout various cities around the world. In addition, Just Cougars boasts more than two million active registered users from all five continents – making it one of the largest networks available today when it comes down to connecting like-minded individuals within this demographic group.

The registration process is quite simple: firstly you will need create your account using either your email address or Facebook login credentials – after doing so you’ll be asked some basic questions about yourself (age/location etc.) before being able complete setting up your profile page which should include at least three recent photographs plus additional information about what kind person you’re looking for in terms potential partners . After completing these steps successfully then simply wait until other members start contacting you!

Finally , if downloading apps isn’t really something that interests then don’t worry because JustCougars also provides its services via desktop computers meaning no matter how tech savvy may not be there always way connect with people near area without having leave comfort own home !

How Does Just Cougars Work?

Just Cougars is an app that makes it easy to find and connect with older women looking for younger men. The app has a wide range of features, including profile creation, messaging capabilities, and location-based searches. It also offers advanced search filters so users can narrow down their results based on age or interests. With Just Cougars you can easily create your own unique profile in just minutes by uploading photos and writing about yourself – no need to fill out lengthy questionnaires! You’ll be able to view profiles from all over the world as well as other users who are nearby using the GPS feature on your phone or tablet device.

The user base of Just Cougars is quite diverse; there are members from many different countries around the globe such as United States, Canada, Australia , France , Germany etc . Each country has its own share of cougar seekers ranging between 10% – 20%. This means that if you’re interested in meeting someone from another part of the world then this could be a great way for you do so without having to travel too far away!

Once registered with Just Cougars it’s simple enough finding potential matches through either searching manually or setting up specific criteria within their filter system which will automatically display relevant profiles according to what they have selected previously e.g.: age group / hobbies / lifestyle preferences etc.. Allowing people access quickly into compatible connections rather than wasting time scrolling endlessly through hundreds upon thousands pages trying aimlessly until something catches one’s eye eventually !

In addition not only does this platform provide excellent opportunities when seeking relationships but also provides more casual dating options depending upon individual preference ; allowing individuals freedom & flexibility when deciding how serious they wish things become before committing further down any particular route . In order words whether someone wishes merely flirtatious fun conversation/companionship right through full blown commitment …the choice remains firmly theirs alone !

Finally beyond providing simply online matchmaking services via desktop computers & mobile devices alike ..there exists multiple forums dedicated towards discussing topics related specifically toward those wishing explore alternative lifestyles where questions may arise surrounding safety tips & general advice regarding mature dating practices amongst others thus helping ensure everyone feels secure during use thereby making sure everyone enjoys themselves throughout experience whilst staying safe at same time !!

  • 1.Dedicated Cougar Matching System: Our proprietary algorithm matches you with the most compatible cougars based on your interests and preferences.
  • 2. Live Video Chatting: Connect with potential partners in real-time through our video chat feature, allowing for an intimate connection even when miles apart.
  • 3. Advanced Search Filters: Refine your search to find exactly what you’re looking for using our advanced filters including age range, location, lifestyle habits and more!
  • 4. Private Messaging & Photo Sharing : Exchange messages or photos privately between members who have mutual interest in each other without revealing personal information such as email addresses or phone numbers until both parties are comfortable doing so .
  • 5. Verified Member Profiles : All profiles are verified by customer service representatives to ensure authenticity of all users before they can start connecting with others on JustCougars platform .
  • 6.. 24/7 Customer Support Team : Our friendly team is available around the clock to answer any questions or concerns that may arise while using JustCougars services

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Just Cougars app is a simple process. To begin, users must download and install the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store onto their mobile device. Once installed, they can create an account by providing basic information such as name, age (users must be at least 18 years old to register), email address and password. After submitting these details, users will receive an activation link via email which needs to be clicked in order for them to gain access into their newly created profile page where they can start browsing other members’ profiles and interact with each other through messaging features available within the app itself. Registration on Just Cougars is free of charge so anyone who meets its minimum required age limit of 18 years old may join without any cost involved whatsoever!

  • 1.All users must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. Users must provide a valid email address and phone number for verification purposes.
  • 3. All profiles should include an accurate description of the user’s physical appearance, interests, hobbies and lifestyle choices in order to accurately match potential partners with similar interests or values
  • 4. Users are required to upload a profile picture that is appropriate for the platform (no nudity).
  • 5 .Users agree not to post any offensive material on their profile page or use inappropriate language when communicating with other members through messaging services provided by Just Cougars
  • 6 .All users are expected to respect each other’s privacy settings and not share personal information without consent from both parties involved 7 .Users will be held responsible for all activities conducted under their account name 8 .Any violation of these rules may result in suspension or termination from using Just Cougars

Design and Usability of Just Cougars

The Just Cougars app has a sleek and modern design, with bold colors that make it stand out. The layout is intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for. Profiles of other people can be easily found by using the search function or browsing through categories such as age range or location. Usability wise, the app runs smoothly without any hiccups in performance; features like messaging are simple yet effective. With a paid subscription you get access to more advanced features which further enhance your user experience on this platform – making it even easier for cougars (and cubs) alike!

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on Just Cougars is quite good. All profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has an account, so it’s important to make sure your profile looks professional. You can set a custom bio in the ‘About Me’ section of your profile, but there isn’t a friends feature or anything similar available yet. Privacy settings are also very secure – you have full control over what information other users see about you, such as location info and contact details if desired. There is also the option to sign-in with Google or Facebook for added security against fake accounts which helps ensure that all members are genuine people looking for love! Location info in user profiles does not reveal exact city locations; instead it indicates distance between two users using kilometres (km). This allows potential matches to know how far away they live from each other without compromising their privacy too much. Premium subscribers do get access to more detailed location data though as part of their subscription benefits package!


Just Cougars is a popular dating site that caters to those looking for relationships with older women. The website offers users the opportunity to create profiles, search for matches and communicate with other members through messaging features. One of the main advantages of Just Cougars is its user-friendly interface which makes it easy for anyone to navigate around the site and find potential partners quickly. Additionally, there are several safety measures in place such as profile verification options and privacy settings so users can feel secure when using this service.

The difference between Just Cougar’s website and app lies mainly in their design; while both offer similar services they have different layouts depending on whether you use them from your computer or mobile device respectively. On top of this, some additional features may be available only on one platform but not another (e.g., voice calling). As such, each version has its own unique set of benefits that should be taken into consideration before deciding which one best suits your needs as an individual user or couple seeking companionship online via JustCougars’ platform(s).

At present time there is no official dating site associated with JustCougars brand name due largely because most people who join these type sites prefer apps over websites nowadays since they tend to provide more convenience than traditional desktop based platforms do – plus they don’t require any downloads either! Furthermore given how many competing services exist out there already it would likely prove difficult if not impossible for a new entrant like justcougar’s own offering gain enough traction among existing customers let alone attract new ones without significant investment capital backing up development efforts first hand .

Safety & Security

Just Cougars is a dating app that has implemented several security measures to protect its users. The first step in the process of joining Just Cougars is user verification, which helps weed out bots and fake accounts. This can be done through email or phone number confirmation as well as by uploading an ID document for manual review. Photos are also manually reviewed by moderators to ensure authenticity before they become visible on the platform. Additionally, two-factor authentication (2FA) provides extra protection against malicious actors trying to gain access into someone’s account without their permission – this requires users entering a code sent via SMS when logging in from unknown devices or locations.

When it comes to privacy policy, Just Cougars takes data safety seriously and complies with GDPR regulations at all times – any personal information collected during registration such as name and contact details will not be shared with third parties unless required under law enforcement requests or court orders; nor will it ever be used for marketing purposes without prior consent from each individual user concerned

Pricing and Benefits

Paid Subscription

Just Cougars offers a paid subscription for users who want to take advantage of additional features. The benefits of the premium membership include:

  • Unlimited messaging and communication with other members
  • Access to advanced search filters, allowing you to find more compatible matches faster
  • Ability to view full profiles and photos without restrictions

The price for the premium membership is $29.99 per month, which is competitive compared with similar services on the market. It also comes with a 3-day free trial period so that users can test out all of its features before committing financially.

Cancellation Process & Refunds

If you decide that Just Cougars isn’t right for you or if your circumstances change then it’s easy enough cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your account settings page and selecting ‘Cancel Membership’. You will not be charged again after cancelling but there are no refunds available once payment has been made as stated in their terms & conditions policy when signing up initially.

Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription?                                                          

 Although some people may prefer having access to extra features such as unlimited messaging etc., these aren’t necessarily essential in order for someone using Just Cougars successfully find potential partners or dates online; many have done so without paying anything at all! Therefore whether or not one needs a paid subscription really depends on how serious they are about finding love through this platform – those looking only casually may do just fine sticking with the basic (free) version while those wanting something more substantial might benefit from upgrading their accounts accordingly

Help & Support

Just Cougars is an online dating site that provides a platform for mature singles to connect and find companionship. The website offers various ways of accessing support when needed.

The first way you can access support on Just Cougars is through their contact page, which allows users to submit inquiries via email or by filling out the form provided on the page. This method typically yields quick responses from customer service representatives within 24 hours, depending on how busy they are at any given time. Additionally, there’s also a phone number listed in case customers need immediate assistance with something urgent or sensitive such as account security issues or payment processing problems.

Another great resource available for those seeking help with using Just Cougars is their FAQ section where common questions and answers are posted so users can quickly get solutions without having to wait for someone else’s response time . It covers topics ranging from general usage instructions all the way up to more complex technical queries about billing information and privacy settings – making it easier than ever before for members of this community who might not be tech-savvy enough yet but still want some guidance along their journey towards finding love online!


1. Is Just Cougars safe?

Just Cougars is a safe and secure website that takes the security of its members seriously. They use encryption technology to protect your personal information, as well as other measures such as requiring strong passwords for all accounts. The site also has an extensive moderation team who monitor activity on the platform in order to ensure that it remains a safe space for users. Additionally, Just Cougars provides helpful safety tips and advice so you can stay informed about how best to keep yourself protected online when using their service. All in all, Just Cougars offers peace of mind knowing that they are taking every measure possible to make sure their community stays secure while providing an enjoyable experience for everyone involved!

2. Is Just Cougars a real dating site with real users?

Just Cougars is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2013 and has since grown to become one of the most popular cougar dating sites online. The website boasts over 2 million members, making it one of the largest websites for connecting older women with younger men. JustCougars also offers an extensive search feature that allows you to find potential matches based on age, location, interests and more. In addition to this, they offer features such as private messaging and chat rooms which allow members to connect easily without having their conversations monitored by third parties or moderators. All user profiles are manually verified before being approved so there’s no risk of fake accounts or bots infiltrating your experience here either – only genuine people looking for love!

3. How to use Just Cougars app?

Using the Just Cougars app is a great way to meet and connect with other cougars in your area. The app allows you to search for potential matches based on age, location, interests and more. Once you find someone that catches your eye, it’s easy to start up a conversation through the messaging feature or even arrange an in-person meeting if both parties are interested. You can also use the “Hot List” feature which shows who has viewed your profile recently so that you know who might be interested in getting together soon! Additionally, there are plenty of chat rooms available where users can discuss topics related to dating as well as just hang out and have fun with one another. With its simple yet effective interface design coupled with powerful features like these – Just Cougars makes finding love easier than ever before!

4. Is Just Cougars free?

Just Cougars is not a free service. However, they do offer a range of subscription plans to suit different budgets and needs. Their basic plan starts at $19 per month for one month, while their most popular plan costs $39 per month for three months. They also have an annual membership option that comes with additional benefits such as unlimited messaging and profile views, priority customer support and more discounts on special offers from time to time. All memberships come with access to the full suite of features available on Just Cougars’ website including advanced search filters, chat rooms and video calls among other things.

5. Is Just Cougars working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Just Cougars is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has a large user base of people looking for potential partners, so chances are good that you can find someone who meets your criteria. The site also offers an easy-to-use search function which allows users to narrow down their results by age range or location in order to make finding the right person easier. Additionally, members have access to various features such as messaging and video chat which allow them to get better acquainted with each other before deciding if they want take things further.


In conclusion, Just Cougars is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are excellent, making it easy to navigate and use. Safety and security features have been implemented well so users can feel secure when using the service. Help & support options are available should any issues arise while using the platform, although they could be improved upon slightly in terms of response times or more detailed answers being provided by customer services representatives. Finally, user profile quality is generally good with many profiles having plenty of detail about potential matches; however there may still be some that need improvement as far as accuracy goes which would help make finding suitable dates easier than ever before! All in all though Just Cougars provides an enjoyable experience overall for anyone seeking out companionship online – definitely worth checking out if you’re single!

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Author Kayla Long

Kayla Long is a dating expert and writer with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. With a Bachelor's degree in communications and years of experience in the industry, she has the knowledge and skills to help online daters make smart choices. She has written reviews for a number of dating websites and apps, such as Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid, and provides helpful advice on how to make the most of your online dating experience. When she's not busy reviewing or writing, Kayla enjoys travelling, reading, and trying out new recipes.