Illicit Encounters
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  • Discreet
  • Easy to use
  • Variety of members
  • Anonymity
  • Inappropriate for people in committed relationships
  • Risk of STDs or other health issues
  • Potential to hurt feelings and damage trust between partners
  • Expense associated with membership fees


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  • Fraud:
    Hardly ever
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Online Dating with Illicit Encounters: Pros and Cons


Illicit Encounters is an online dating platform that caters to people who are looking for a discreet relationship outside of their current one. The app was launched in 2003 and has since become the UK’s leading extramarital affair website, with over 1 million active users worldwide. It is owned by Venntro Media Group Ltd., and it is particularly popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The main purpose of Illicit Encounters is to provide a safe space where married individuals can find someone else without having to worry about judgment or consequences from family members or friends finding out about it. This makes it easier for those seeking affairs because they don’t have to go through all the hassle associated with meeting someone new face-to-face – everything can be done anonymously on this platform instead!

Users have access to various features such as profile creation (including photos), messaging capabilities between other registered users on the site/app; plus there’s also search filters so you can narrow down your potential matches based on age range & location etc.. Additionally if privacy & discretion are important factors then Illicit Encounters offers its own unique ‘Icebreaker’ feature which allows two anonymous parties communicate before deciding whether they want take things further offline!

Users must register via email address firstly before being able create their profiles – however registration itself doesn’t cost anything at all as this service provided free charge anyone interested using either desktop version mobile application available both Android iOS devices respectively… After creating account user will need upgrade membership order gain full access premium services offered including advanced searching options chat rooms forums etc.. In addition there plenty safety measures place ensure everyone feels secure while using website example photo verification system help weed out fake accounts scammers alike…

How Does Illicit Encounters Work?

Illicit Encounters is an online dating app that caters to those looking for a discreet affair. The key features of the app include its easy-to-use interface, extensive search capabilities and comprehensive user profiles. With Illicit Encounters you can find users from all over the world, with members in countries such as United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand making up more than half of its total membership base.

The profile creation process on Illicit Encounters is straightforward; simply enter your basic information including age range preferences and interests before uploading photos or videos if desired. You then have access to browse through thousands of other member’s profiles who match your criteria – giving you plenty of potential matches! There are two types of users available on this platform: regular members (free) and premium subscribers ($19/month). Regular members are able to create their own profile but will be limited when it comes to messaging options while Premium Subscribers get unlimited access along with additional perks like video chat capability & priority customer service support .

In addition to searching by location or interest based filters , there’s also a ‘Hotlist’ feature which allows you quickly view recently active users near you – perfect for anyone wanting some quick action without having too much time spent scrolling through endless pages! For extra security measures , Illicit Encounter has implemented several layers encryption technology so rest assured knowing that any data exchanged between yourself & another user remains completely private at all times .

For added convenience , they also offer an Apple Watch compatible version allowing busy professionals even easier access no matter where they may be ! This makes it incredibly simple staying connected even during long business trips away from home – keeping things interesting wherever life takes them ! Lastly , there’s always someone around 24/7 via their dedicated customer service team should any issues arise whilst using the application – helping ensure everyone enjoys safe & secure experience every single time .

  • 1.Discreet and anonymous messaging system
  • 2. Secure payment processing
  • 3. Verified member profiles to ensure authenticity
  • 4. Advanced search filters for tailored matches
  • 5. Photo verification process for added security
  • 6. 24/7 customer support team

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Illicit Encounters app is a straightforward process. First, users must enter their gender and sexual orientation before providing basic information such as age, location, email address and password. After submitting these details they will be asked to create an attractive profile with photos that can help them stand out from other members of the community. Once this step is completed successfully, users are ready to start exploring all features offered by the platform including searching for potential matches based on various criteria like interests or lifestyle preferences. The minimum required age to begin dating through Illicit Encounters is 18 years old; registration itself however does not cost anything so anyone interested in joining should feel free to do so without worrying about any financial commitment upfront.

  • 1.Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. Provide a valid email address and phone number for verification purposes.
  • 3. Agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the website’s user agreement/privacy policy before registering an account with Illicit Encounters
  • 4. Create a unique username that does not contain any offensive language or references, as well as create a secure password containing both upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers and symbols
  • 5 .Provide personal information such as gender identity (male/female), sexual orientation (straight/gay) marital status etc., which will help other users find potential matches on the site
  • 6 .Upload profile pictures that are appropriate according to Illicit Encounter’s standards; no nudity is allowed 7 Upload documents proving your identity if requested by customer service representatives 8 Acceptance of all fees associated with using certain features offered by Illicit Encounters

Design and Usability of Illicit Encounters

The Illicit Encounters app has a modern design with bold colors and clean lines. It is easy to find profiles of other people, as the user interface makes it simple to search for members by age, location or interests. The usability of the app is also great; navigation between pages and features are intuitively designed so that users can quickly access what they need without any confusion. For those who purchase a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements such as enhanced profile visibility which helps make finding matches easier than ever before.

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on Illicit Encounters is generally quite good. Profiles are public, so anyone can view them. You can set a custom bio to give potential matches more information about yourself and there’s also the option to add photos or videos as well as other media files. There isn’t a “friends” feature but users have access to messaging tools for communication with each other.

Privacy settings are available for all users which allows you control who sees your profile and what content they see from it – this includes location info too if you choose not reveal that in your profile, though some basic details such as city will be visible by default without giving away exact address information . Users don’t need Google or Facebook sign-in features either; registration is done through email only which helps reduce the risk of fake accounts being created on the site .

Premium subscription holders get additional benefits when it comes to their profiles such as higher visibility in search results due increased priority given during searches , plus they’re able unlock advanced filters like age range & distance between themselves and prospective partners – making finding compatible people easier than ever before !


Illicit Encounters is a dating website that caters to those looking for extramarital affairs. The site has been around since 2003 and boasts over 1 million members worldwide. It offers users the ability to create profiles, search through other member’s profiles, send messages and arrange dates with potential partners in their area or abroad. One of the main advantages of Illicit Encounters is its privacy policy; all user data remains anonymous unless they choose otherwise when signing up for an account. Additionally, it provides extensive safety measures such as encrypted messaging services and photo verification tools so users can feel secure while using the platform. However, one disadvantage of this service could be its high cost – membership fees are relatively expensive compared to other similar sites on the market today.

The difference between Illicit Encounter’s website and app lies mainly in how each platform operates – while both offer access to many features such as profile creation & searching capabilities along with messaging options etc., only registered members have full access via either version (website or mobile). Furthermore, certain functionalities may differ depending on which medium you use – some features may not be available within one but present within another making them slightly different experiences overall despite being part of same product/service offering from company itself!

At this time there is no official dating site associated with Illicit Encounters however due to increased competition amongst providers coupled by changing trends in online dating industry it might make sense for them introduce something like this down line if possible given current business model focus largely revolves around providing discreet matchmaking experience without any public facing presence whatsoever!

Safety & Security

Illicit Encounters is taking app security very seriously. They have implemented a multi-layered verification process to ensure that all users are genuine and authentic. The first step of the verification process requires each user to submit valid government issued ID, such as a passport or driver’s license, which will be manually reviewed by Illicit Encounters staff members for authenticity before being approved. Additionally, they also require each user to upload at least one profile photo that must pass their automated facial recognition system in order for it to be accepted on the platform; this helps protect against bots and fake accounts from infiltrating the site. Lastly, two-factor authentication is available as an additional layer of protection so users can rest assured knowing their account information remains secure even if someone were able to gain access through other means outside of Illicit Encounters’ control.

When it comes down privacy policy matters with regards using Illicit Encounter’s services you can feel confident your data won’t fall into wrong hands because they use industry standard encryption protocols when transferring any sensitive data between devices & servers – plus no personal details (including payment info) are ever stored on their systems making sure your identity stays safe while browsing around anonymously without worrying about potential leaks or hacks happening along way either!

Pricing and Benefits

Illicit Encounters is an online dating website that helps people find casual partners for affairs. It has been around since 2003 and it offers both free and paid subscription options.

The basic membership on Illicit Encounters is free, but users have to pay a fee if they want access to all the features of the site. The fees range from £14 per month up to £99 for 12 months depending on which package you choose. This makes Illicit Encounters one of the more expensive dating sites out there, especially when compared with other similar services such as Ashley Madison or Adult Friend Finder which offer much lower prices than this service does.

For those who do decide to get a paid subscription, there are some benefits that come along with it including unlimited messaging capabilities, advanced search filters and priority customer support amongst others things.. Here’s a list highlighting some of these advantages:

  • Unlimited Messaging Capabilities – Advanced Search Filters – Priority Customer Support – Viewing Profiles in Full Screen Mode – Access To Exclusive Events & Offers

In terms of cancellation process and refunds; users can cancel their subscriptions at any time without penalty by logging into their account settings page or contacting customer service directly via email or phone call . Refunds will be issued within 14 days after cancellation request was made provided no additional charges were incurred during your period using IlliticEncouters’ services (such as purchasing virtual gifts).

Overall , while having a paid subscription may give you certain advantages over non-paying members , whether its really worth paying extra money depends entirely upon how serious user takes his/her affair seeking activities ; so take your time before making decision about getting premium membership!

Help & Support

Illicit Encounters provides a range of support options for its users. The website has an extensive FAQ page that answers many commonly asked questions and can provide quick solutions to problems. Additionally, there is also a contact form on the website which allows users to submit their queries directly and receive help from customer service representatives within 24 hours.

The site also offers telephone support with dedicated customer care agents available seven days per week between 9am-5pm GMT/BST time zone (UK). These agents are able to assist with any technical or account related issues as well as providing advice on how best to use the Illicit Encounters platform safely and securely.

Finally, if you have any other inquiries then you can email [email protected] where one of our team will respond promptly during normal working hours (Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5 pm BST). All emails sent outside these times will be responded too at the earliest opportunity once office reopens in UK business day’s timezone .


1. Is Illicit Encounters safe?

Illicit Encounters is a website designed to facilitate extramarital affairs. As with any online dating site, it’s important for users to be aware of the potential risks associated with using such sites and take steps to ensure their safety. Illicit Encounters takes several measures in order to protect its members from fraud or other malicious activity on the site. All new profiles are manually checked by staff before being approved, and all payments are securely processed through PayPal or credit card companies so that no personal financial information is shared between parties involved in an affair. Additionally, Illicit Encounters has implemented strong encryption technology which ensures user data remains secure while browsing the website’s pages as well as when exchanging messages within private chat rooms provided by the service itself. Ultimately though, it’s up to each individual user of Illicit Encounters – just like any other online dating platform -to remain vigilant about protecting themselves against scams or unsafe situations they may encounter while engaging with others on this type of service

2. Is Illicit Encounters a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Illicit Encounters is a real dating site with real users. The website has been around since 2003 and boasts over 1 million members worldwide. It offers an online space for married people or those in committed relationships to find other like-minded individuals who are looking for discreet affairs outside of their primary relationship. As such, it appeals to a wide range of users from all walks of life and different ages; some seeking companionship while others seek more intimate connections. In order to ensure that the profiles on the site are genuine, Illicit Encounters requires each user to verify their identity by providing valid photo identification before they can begin using the service. Furthermore, customer support staff actively monitor activity on the platform 24/7 in order to detect any suspicious behaviour or fraudulent accounts so as maintain safety standards across its community base

3. How to use Illicit Encounters app?

Using the Illicit Encounters app is a straightforward process. After downloading and installing it on your device, you will be asked to create an account with basic information such as name, age, gender and location. Once this has been completed successfully, you can begin searching for potential matches by browsing through profiles or using advanced search filters that are available in the app. You can also communicate with other users via chat rooms or private messages if both parties agree to do so. The interface of the application makes it easy to navigate between different features while ensuring user privacy at all times – any personal data shared within conversations remains secure until deleted by either party involved in them. Additionally, there are safety measures put into place which allow users to block contacts they no longer wish interact with from their list of matches easily without having go through lengthy processes or contacting customer service representatives directly for assistance

4. Is Illicit Encounters free?

No, Illicit Encounters is not free. It requires a subscription fee in order to access the website and its features. The cost of membership varies depending on how long you would like your subscription to last; one month costs £39.99 while three months will set you back £59.99, six months for £79.99 or twelve months for just under £120 (at the time of writing). As an added bonus, all subscriptions come with a money-back guarantee if users are unsatisfied with their experience within two weeks after signing up – making it even more worth considering!

5. Is Illicit Encounters working and can you find someone there?

Illicit Encounters is a dating website that caters to people who are looking for extramarital affairs. It has been in operation since 2003 and continues to be one of the most popular websites for those seeking discreet relationships outside of their primary relationship. The site boasts over 1 million members, so it’s likely you can find someone there if you’re willing to put in some effort into searching through profiles and messaging potential matches. With its wide range of features such as secure messaging, video chat rooms, photo galleries and detailed profile searches, Illicit Encounters makes it easy for users to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests or desires when it comes to having an affair. So yes – overall Illicit Encounters is working well and offers plenty of opportunities for finding someone special!


In conclusion, Illicit Encounters is a great dating app for those looking to find partners. The design and usability of the app are excellent; it’s easy to navigate and use. Safety and security features ensure that users can feel safe when using the platform, while help and support options provide assistance if needed. User profile quality is also good with plenty of information available about potential matches so you can make an informed decision before meeting up in person. All in all, Illicit Encounters offers a reliable service for finding dates or casual encounters without any hassle or worry – making it well worth checking out!

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Author David Morris

David Morris is a freelance writer and blogger who specializes in love, sex, and dating. He has been writing about these topics since the beginning of his career, and has a passion for helping others understand the complexities of romantic relationships. With a warm and straightforward writing style, David strives to provide meaningful advice that can help readers find fulfillment in their relationships. He believes that open communication, respect, and trust are the cornerstones of a successful relationship, and he works hard to help others learn how to cultivate these qualities in their own lives.