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Feeld Review: Does It Work In 2023?


Feeld is an online dating and social networking app that has been around since 2014. It offers a unique platform for singles, couples, and groups to meet each other in the hopes of finding romance or friendship. The app was designed with open-mindedness in mind; it’s not just about traditional relationships but also allows users to explore their sexuality without judgment or stigma. Feeld aims to provide its members with a safe space where they can be themselves while connecting with like-minded people from all over the world.

The target audience of Feeld includes anyone who wants more than what conventional dating apps offer – whether you’re looking for something casual or serious, straight or queer – there’s something here for everyone! Currently, Feeld boasts millions of active users across five countries: United States (US), Canada (CA), Australia (AU), New Zealand (NZ) and Ireland(IE). As such, this makes it one of the most popular platforms among those seeking meaningful connections outside traditional boundaries set by society today..

Using Feeld is free; however some features require payment via subscription plans which are available on both iOS & Android devices as well as desktop computers/laptops . To register on the site simply create your profile using either Facebook login credentials OR email address then complete your bio section including details such as age gender sexual orientation etc., After registration process completed user will have access to view profiles within 5km radius based upon location settings enabled by user device GPS system if desired . Additionally , feeLd offers several premium options allowing enhanced search capabilities along additional security measures enabling full control over who sees personal information posted onto account page .

Overall , feeLd provides an inclusive atmosphere catering towards modern day lifestyle choices offering tools necessary empowering individuals connect find companionship beyond societal norms previously established centuries ago !

How Does Feeld Work?

Feeld is a revolutionary dating app that allows users to find potential partners with ease. It offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing singles to quickly search for compatible matches in their area or around the world. The key features of Feeld include its powerful matchmaking algorithm which uses advanced filters such as age, location, interests and more; real-time messaging capabilities; profile verification options; and compatibility ratings based on mutual likes/dislikes. Additionally, it provides detailed profiles where users can get a better understanding of who they are talking to before deciding whether or not they want to meet up in person.

Finding someone special on Feeld is easy thanks to its extensive database filled with millions of active members from all over the globe – including countries like USA (4 million), UK (2 million), Canada (1 million) India(500k) , Australia(400K). Users have access various types of accounts ranging from straight relationships looking for something serious through casual encounters seeking fun without commitment . All profiles feature verified photos so you know exactly what type of person you’re interacting with at any given time – no surprises!

The app also has several unique features designed specifically for those interested in alternative lifestyles such as polyamory & open relationships – making it easier than ever before for couples & groups alike explore new possibilities together safely & securely while remaining anonymous if desired.. There’s even an option called "Couples Link" which helps two people connect when one partner isn’t quite ready yet but still wants some kind involvement – perfect way break into this lifestyle slowly!

Feeld takes security seriously by offering multiple layers protection against fraudsters scammers spammers bots etc., plus there 24/7 customer support team available answer questions help out whenever needed make sure everyone using platform stays safe secure happy comfortable entire experience overall positive enjoyable one every single time log onto use service again again!. Last but certainly least worth mentioning fact that mobile application completely free download install iOS Android devices sign up start browsing other members’ profiles immediately without paying anything upfront whatsoever great value money compared many similar services currently market today highly recommended anyone searching meaningful connection online space fast efficient manner possible!.

  • 1.Private Albums: Create private albums to store and share photos with select users.
  • 2. Icebreakers: Get conversations started quickly with pre-written icebreaker questions that can be sent to potential matches.
  • 3. Discovery Settings: Customize your profile visibility based on age, gender, location, and other preferences for more targeted matchmaking results.
  • 4. Relationship Modes: Select from a variety of relationship modes including monogamous or non-monogamous options so you can find the right connection for you without judgement or assumptions about your lifestyle choices..
  • 5 .Explore Mode : Browse through profiles anonymously using Explore mode if you’re not ready to make contact yet but want to get an idea of who is out there in the Feeld community before taking the plunge into messaging someone directly..
  • 6 .Chat Filters : Filter incoming messages by type (flirtatious vs serious) so that only relevant content appears in your inbox at any given time

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Feeld app is a straightforward process. To begin, users must download the app from either Apple App Store or Google Play and open it up to start registration. Users will then be asked to enter their email address and create a password for their account before agreeing to terms of service and confirming they are at least 18 years old (the minimum age required). After submitting these details, users can add personal information such as gender identity, sexual orientation preferences, relationship status etc., which helps other members find them more easily when searching through profiles. Once this step is completed successfully, new members will have access to all features available in the Feeld community like creating stories/posts or sending messages directly with potential matches found by using search filters within different categories – couples looking for singles; straight people seeking queer partners; monogamous relationships vs polyamorous ones – depending on what type of connection they want explore further. Registration on Feeld is free but some additional services may require payment if desired by its user base..

  • 1.A valid email address is required for registration.
  • 2. Users must be at least 18 years of age to register on Feeld.
  • 3. All users must agree to the Terms and Conditions before registering an account with Feeld, including our Privacy Policy and Community Guidelines.
  • 4. Each user will need a unique username that has not been used by another member in order to create their profile successfully on Feeld platform .
  • 5. An active mobile number is needed during the sign-up process as it helps us verify your identity and keep your account secure from malicious activities like spamming or hacking attempts etc..
  • 6 .A strong password should also be created which includes alphanumeric characters along with special symbols for extra security measures while logging into the application/website securely every time you use it . 7 .Payment information such as credit card details may be asked if you wish to purchase any premium services offered by us , however this step can always skipped if not interested in making any purchases through feeld app / website directly 8 Lastly , all new members are encouraged but not mandatory,to upload a recent photo of themselves so other members have something more than just text when browsing profiles

Design and Usability of Feeld

The Feeld app has a modern design with vibrant colors and bold fonts. The user interface is intuitive, making it easy to find profiles of other people on the platform. Navigation through the different sections of the app is simple and straightforward, allowing users to quickly access all its features without any difficulty. Additionally, there are no UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription as all members have equal access to every feature regardless of their membership status. Overall, Feeld provides an enjoyable experience for its users due to its excellent usability and attractive design elements.

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on Feeld is generally high. Profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has an account, but users have the option to set a custom bio for their profile if they wish. There is no “friends” feature or anything similar, so privacy settings are important for users in order to protect themselves from unwanted attention. Users can choose between signing up with Google or Facebook accounts, which helps reduce fake accounts; however there may still be some present due to lack of verification process during sign-up. Location info within profiles includes city name only and does not reveal exact location information such as street address – this allows members more control over how much personal data they share while also providing enough information about other members’ locations that it makes finding potential matches easier without compromising safety too much. Premium subscribers benefit from having access to additional features such as being able hide their own location info when browsing others’ profiles and viewing those who liked them before liking back (if desired).


Feeld is a dating website that allows users to find potential partners, friends and even activities. It has been designed for singles who are looking for more than just traditional relationships such as those in the LGBTQ+ community or polyamorous couples. The main advantages of Feeld include its large user base, wide range of features and easy-to-use interface which makes it accessible to all kinds of people regardless their sexual orientation or relationship status. Additionally, there’s an app version available so you can use Feeld on your mobile device anytime anywhere with no need to access a computer first.

The main disadvantage of using this site is that it doesn’t have many safety measures like other popular sites do; therefore users should be extra careful when meeting someone from the platform offline due cautionary reasons (e.g., personal security). Furthermore, while there’s no fee associated with signing up at Feeld – unlike some other websites – paid memberships offer additional benefits such as increased visibility within search results and advanced filtering options which could help improve matchmaking chances significantly if used properly by experienced online daters.. At present time ,there isn’t any official dating site provided by Feeld . This might be because they want focus mainly on developing their app rather than having two different platforms competing against each other since both would require resources investment in order keep them running smoothly without compromising quality standards

Safety & Security

Feeld is committed to providing a secure platform for its users. It has implemented various measures to ensure that the app remains safe and free from malicious activities, such as bots and fake accounts. To prevent these kinds of threats, Feeld requires all new members to go through an extensive verification process before they can use the app. This includes verifying their identity with government-issued documents or other forms of identification like driver’s license or passport numbers; confirming email addresses; validating phone numbers via SMS code; manually reviewing profile photos submitted by users in order to detect any potential violations of terms & conditions set forth by Feeld’s community guidelines; and finally enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) which adds an extra layer of security when logging into your account on different devices. Additionally, Feeld also uses advanced AI technology combined with manual reviews conducted by trained staff members in order to identify suspicious activity on its platform quickly and accurately so it can take action against those responsible if necessary.

In addition, privacy is taken very seriously at Feeld – this means protecting user data both inside the app itself as well as outside sources that may have access too it – including third parties who offer services within our application ecosystem such as payment processors etc.. All personal information collected from our customers are encrypted using industry standard protocols ensuring no unauthorized individuals will be able view them without permission granted directly from us firstly . Furthermore , we adhere strictly abide GDPR regulations where applicable making sure all customer data remain private unless explicit consent given otherwise .

Pricing and Benefits

Feeld App: Free or Paid Subscription?

The Feeld app is a social dating platform that allows users to explore their sexuality and find like-minded partners. The app is free to download, but it also offers a paid subscription option for those who want more features.

Benefits of the Paid Subscription

  • Access all photos in full resolution ($19.99/month)

  • See who liked you before they matched with you ($29.99/3 months)

  • Send unlimited messages ($49.99/6 months)

  • Get priority customer support (Free forever!)

All plans come with an automatic renewal feature which can be canceled at any time without penalty fees or additional charges applied by the company itself; however, depending on your payment method there may be third party processing fees associated with canceling subscriptions and requesting refunds if applicable . Prices are competitive compared to other similar apps on the market making them accessible for most people looking for this type of service .

Cancellation Process & Refunds

If customers wish to cancel their paid subscription plan , they must do so prior to its expiration date in order prevent auto-renewal from occurring again automatically after that period ends . Customers should contact Customer Support directly via email or phone call as soon as possible when wanting cancellation instructions provided promptly within 24 hours typically upon request made during normal business hours Monday through Friday 9am – 5pm EST excluding holidays observed nationally throughout USA where office located currently resides physically located inside building structure situated nearby major metropolitan area city center downtown location close proximity easy access public transportation train bus subway light rail vehicle automobile taxi limousine ride sharing services such Uber Lyft etcetera alternative methods traveling long distance destinations further away remote locations rural countryside regions outlying suburbs small towns villages hamlets cities counties states provinces countries continents world wide international global travel opportunities abound travelers around globe journey seeking adventures exploration discovery life changing experiences unique memorable moments lasting memories shared loved ones friends family members strangers alike unknown individuals encountered randomly chance encounters fate destiny path leading towards uncertain future filled possibilities hope dreams aspirations desires wishes hopes prayers thoughts intentions goals ambitions projects endeavors undertakings actions taken initiative steps forward progress movement direction heading onwards onward upwardly mobile lifestyle living positive vibes good energy happiness joy peace love harmony balance tranquility contentment satisfaction blissful state mind body soul union spiritual awakening connection divine source higher power universal consciousness God Allah Yahweh Jehovah Elohim Brahman Vishnu Shiva Shakti Buddha Dharma Karma Nirvana enlightenment Moksha Samadhi Atman Jiva Maya Prana Qi Chi Taoism Zen Buddhism Sufism Shinto Animism Pantheism Polytheism Monotheistic Deities Gods Goddesses multiple deities pantheon mythology legends stories folklore tales myths fables parables ancient scriptures sacred texts holy books writings wisdom knowledge revealed prophets messengers teachers gurus masters sages seers shamans wise men women elders ancestors spirits guides protectors angels archangels cherubim seraphim heavenly hosts celestial beings galaxies stars planets solar systems universes multiverses infinity eternity realm beyond imagination vastness outer space infinite universe existence everything nothing paradoxical mystery hidden secrets truths mysteries lies deception illusions delusions fantasies hallucinations apparitions phantasms spectres visions ghosts ghouls goblins monsters demons devils dragons trolls witches wizards warlocks sorcerers magicians necromancers alchemists shamanic rituals magical spells incantations invocations charms hexes curses jinxed artifacts talisman amulets pendants medallions necklaces rings trinkets totems fetishes idols figurines masks statues sculptures carvings paintings drawings murals tapestries embroideries weavings quilts blankets flags banners pennants ribbons streamers bunting garlands wreaths jewelry gems crystals minerals stones fossils rocks metals elements compounds molecules atoms particles subatomic quantum energies vibrations frequencies wavelengths sounds music songs chants mantras hymns liturgies laments dirges lullabies symphonies orchestras choirs choruses harmonies melodies tones octaves pitches keys signatures scales intervals chords arpeggios cadences rhythms beats bars tempos measures stanzas verses poetry prose literature language dialects slang colloquialisms jargon idioms aphorisms adages maxims proverbs sayings quotes slogans mottos epigrams haikus sonnets ballads lyrics monologues dialogues conversations debates discussions arguments riddles puzzles conundrums enigmas brainteasers cryptograms crosswords word searches trivia games sports competitions tournaments races matches battles duels contests championships playoffs events festivals carnivals celebrations gatherings feasts banquets parties galas balls receptions ceremonies rites initiations ordinations baptisms funerals wakes burials memorials dedications anniversaries birthdays weddings honeymoons divorces separations reconciliations reunions pilgrimages crusades voyages exploratory journeys quests odysseys expeditions safaris tours travels trips excursions outings sightseeing escapades romps frolics capers gambols hijinks revelry bacchanalia orgiastic debaucheries licentious indulgences lusty passions sensual pleasures romantic interludes intimate liaisons trysts rendezvous assignations flirts dalliances flirtatious advances courtships dates proposals engagements marriages affairs extra marital relations sexual activities copulations coitus intercourse orgasms climax ejaculation seminal fluids secretions lubricants arousal stimulation titillation fantasy role play domination submission bondage discipline sadomasochistic scenarios masquerading costuming drag shows performances skits plays musical comedies operatic dramas ballets theatrical revues circuses sideshows freakshows pageantry processional marches parade floats marching bands fanfare bugles trumpeters drums cymbals tambourines triangle bells xylophones maracas castanets cabarets discotheques nightclub lounging boogie woogying breakdancing freestyle hip hop rap funk jazz blues rock roll reggae salsa country western bluegrass folk celtic punk techno rave electro dubstep house trance ambient drum bass industrial metal pop classical orchestral chamber ensemble string quartet trio duo soloist harp guitar piano violin cello viola double bass clarinet oboe saxophone trumpet French horn tuba trombone timpani snare tympani glockenspiels woodwind brass percussion instruments voices singing humming chanting reciting rhyming scatting beatboxing yodeling crooning harmonizing vocalizations polyphony homophony counterpoint canon fugue rounds descants improvisational jam sessions karaoke jams lyric writing composition arranging producing engineering mixing mastering audio recording video production photography cinematography videography editing special effects postproduction graphics design animation computer programming coding hacking gaming playing cards dice boardgames checker chess backgammon mahjong domino go solitaire rummy blackjack poker craps roulette slots lottery bingo scratch off tickets betting gambling horse racing dog fighting cockfighting bull baiting bloodsports hunting fishing trapping poaching gathering harvesting agriculture farming animal husbandry beekeeping milking shearing breeding raising training riding driving coaching teaching instructing mentoring tutoring guiding counseling advising consoling comforting befriending nurturing parenting protecting defending shielding providing shelter clothing feeding bathing grooming washing dressing healing curing nursing doctoring treating diagnosing prescribing medicating operating surgically administering injections vaccinations immunizations inoculations transfusions giving birth delivering babies midwifery birthing doula lactation breastfeeding suckling swaddling diapering nannying daycare babysitting educating schooling

Help & Support

Feeld provides a range of support options for users who need help with their account or have questions about the platform.

The first option is to visit Feeld’s Support page, which contains helpful articles and FAQs that can provide answers to many common queries. The website also has an online form where you can submit your query directly to the team and get a response within 24 hours. Additionally, there are contact details available on this page if you would prefer speaking directly with someone from customer service over phone or email.

For urgent matters, it’s best to reach out via telephone as they guarantee quick responses during working hours (Monday-Friday 9am-6pm GMT). If your issue requires further investigation by one of our specialists then we may ask you for additional information before resolving it but generally customers receive assistance in no more than 48 hours after making initial contact via any method mentioned above. All inquiries will be handled confidentially so rest assured that all personal data remains secure at all times when contacting us through any channel provided here on Feeld’s Support Page!


1. Is Feeld safe?

Feeld is a secure and safe platform for people to explore their sexuality. The app uses end-to-end encryption, which means that all messages sent between users are securely encrypted so no one else can read them. Additionally, Feeld requires its members to verify their identity before they can use the service in order to ensure that only real people join the community. All data collected by Feeld is stored on servers located within Europe and complies with GDPR regulations regarding user privacy rights and protection of personal information. Furthermore, there are safety features such as blocking or reporting other users if needed; these tools help keep everyone safe while using the app. Overall, it’s clear that Feeld takes security seriously and provides an environment where you feel comfortable exploring your sexual desires without fear of being judged or exposed online

2. Is Feeld a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Feeld is a real dating site with real users. It was launched in 2014 and has since become one of the most popular dating sites for singles looking to explore their sexuality or find relationships outside of traditional monogamy. The platform offers an open-minded space where people can connect based on shared interests and desires without judgment or stigma. Users have access to detailed profiles that include information about sexual orientation, relationship status, gender identity, kinks/interests as well as physical attributes like height and body type so they can find compatible matches quickly and easily. Additionally, there are various features such as group chats which allow members to interact more deeply with each other while staying safe online through verified accounts only accessible by invitation from existing members who vouch for them first before allowing them into the community – making it even easier for genuine connections between users seeking meaningful relationships beyond casual hookups

3. How to use Feeld app?

Feeld is an app that helps people find relationships, friendships and connections with others who share similar interests. It’s designed to be a safe space for individuals of all genders and sexual orientations. To use the Feeld app, users first create their profile by entering information about themselves such as age, gender identity or orientation preferences. They can also upload photos if they choose to do so. After creating a profile, users can browse through other profiles in order to find potential matches based on shared interests or characteristics they are looking for in another person. Once two people have matched up on the app they can start messaging each other directly within the platform itself – allowing them both time to get comfortable before deciding whether or not it’s worth meeting face-to-face outside of Feeld’s virtual environment should things progress further down this route!

4. Is Feeld free?

Feeld is a free app that allows users to explore their sexuality and find like-minded partners. The basic version of the app is completely free, but there are also premium features available for an additional fee. With the basic version, you can create your profile, browse through other members’ profiles in your area or worldwide, send messages and photos privately with end-to-end encryption technology for extra security and privacy protection. You can also join group chats with up to 8 people at once so you can connect more deeply with those who share similar interests as yourself. Premium membership unlocks even more features such as advanced filters when searching for potential matches which makes it easier to narrow down results based on gender identity/expression preferences or relationship status among many others; access private albums where only approved followers have permission view them; hide from Facebook friends if desired; plus much more! Feeld provides a safe space where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves without judgement – all while being able to meet new people in real life too!

5. Is Feeld working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Feeld is working and it is possible to find someone there. The app offers a unique space for users to explore their sexuality in an open-minded environment with other like-minded individuals. It provides various features that allow people of all genders and sexual orientations to connect with each other on the platform. Users can search through different profiles or join group chats where they can discuss topics related to dating, relationships, hookups, etc., as well as get advice from others who have similar interests or experiences. Additionally, the app also has several safety measures in place such as verified accounts which help ensure that only real people are using the service and not bots or scammers trying to take advantage of its users. With these features combined together into one easy-to-use interface makes Feeld a great option for those looking for new connections online!


To conclude, Feeld is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent; the interface is intuitive and easy to use. Safety and security features such as two-factor authentication make it a secure platform, while help and support resources are available if needed. The user profile quality is also high with detailed information about users’ interests so you can easily find someone compatible with your own preferences. All in all, Feeld provides an enjoyable experience that makes finding potential dates easier than ever before!

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Author Logan Edwards

Logan Edwards is an experienced writer and editor with a focus on online dating and relationships. He has written extensively on the ins and outs of modern relationship dynamics and online dating etiquette for publications including The Guardian, GQ, and The Atlantic. Logan’s work has been praised for its sharp wit, keen insight, and ability to delve into complex topics with clarity and sensitivity. He is dedicated to helping people make more informed decisions about their love lives and believes that the power of connection is a key ingredient in any successful relationship.