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Is Altscene the Right Dating Spot for You?


Altscene is an online dating and social networking platform that caters to alternative lifestyles. It was launched in 2004 by its owner, Michael Lawrence, with the goal of creating a safe space for people who identify as goths, punks, emos or any other non-mainstream lifestyle. Since then it has grown into one of the most popular platforms for likeminded individuals around the world.

The app currently boasts over 1 million active users from all walks of life and backgrounds; whether you’re looking for friendship or something more serious Altscene can help you find what you’re searching for! The website is free to use but also offers premium membership options which give access to additional features such as messaging and profile customization tools.

Altscene has become particularly popular in countries such as United States (US), Canada (CA), Australia (AU) , Germany(DE) & France(FR). As well having a web version available on desktop computers they have recently released their own mobile application allowing users easy access no matter where they are located – this makes connecting with others even easier than before!

To register on Altscene simply fill out your basic information including name age gender location etc., create an account username/password combination upload some photos if desired – once done hit submit button at bottom page . Once registered start browsing profiles meet new friends chat share interests get involved community events much more !

How Does Altscene Work?

The Altscene app is a social networking platform designed to connect alternative music fans from around the world. It offers users an easy way to find and interact with like-minded people who share their passion for punk, metal, gothic rock and other genres of underground music. With over two million members in more than five countries, Altscene provides its users with an extensive network of potential friends or partners.

Finding profiles on the app is simple: simply search by location or genre preference to locate someone near you that shares your interests. The profile page allows you to view photos as well as read about what type of user they are (such as musician, artist etc.) You can also add them directly into your friend list if both parties accept each other’s request; this will allow direct communication between both accounts through private messages within the app itself!
Altscene caters for all types of alternative lifestyles including punks, emos/goths/scene kids and metalheads amongst others – making it easier than ever before for these groups to find one another online! Additionally there are plenty of forums available where topics such as fashion advice & band recommendations can be discussed among fellow members – creating a true sense community spirit which often leads onto real life meetups at gigs & festivals too!

In terms 5 countries represented on AltScene we have seen significant growth since launch especially in United States (1 million+), Canada (500k+), UK(300K+) Germany(200K+)and Australia(100K). This demonstrates how popular this niche dating site has become across many different cultures worldwide despite being relatively new compared some more established platforms out there today!.

As part of our commitment providing quality service we offer various features help make sure everyone using AltScene safe secure when searching meeting up potential matches online – so no need worry about fake profiles scammers here!. We actively moderate every single account ensure only genuine people allowed join create content . Furthermore all conversations held via messaging system encrypted meaning third party cannot access any personal data exchanged during chat sessions..

Finally our team dedicated customer support staff always hand answer questions queries promptly efficiently regardless whether technical issue feature related query ! Our goal provide best possible experience use website give peace mind knowing that everything taken care us even after initial signup process completed .

  • 1.Ability to create a detailed profile with interests, photos and music preferences.
  • 2. Matchmaking system that allows users to find compatible partners based on their individual tastes in music and lifestyle choices.
  • 3. Chat rooms for members of the same musical genre or scene as well as private messaging options between individuals who share similar interests
  • 4. Forum section where people can discuss topics related to alternative lifestyles such as gothic fashion, punk rock culture etc..
  • 5 . Comprehensive search filters which allow users to narrow down potential matches by age, location or even specific bands they like
  • 6 . Event listings featuring upcoming gigs from local artists so members can meet up at shows

Registration – How Easy Is It?

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older
  • 2. Valid email address required for verification
  • 3. Username must not contain offensive language
  • 4. Password must include at least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter and one number
  • 5. Agree to the Terms & Conditions of Altscene before registering
  • 6. Provide a valid phone number for two-factor authentication
  • 7 .Provide a profile picture that meets the site’s guidelines (no nudity/offensive content) 8 .Must provide accurate information about yourself when filling out your profile

Design and Usability of Altscene

The Altscene app has a bright and modern design, with colors that are easy on the eyes. The main page features an attractive background image, along with icons for each of the categories you can explore. It’s easy to find profiles of other people; just click on one of the many tabs at the top or use their search bar feature. Usability is also great – all menus and options are clearly labeled so it’s simple to navigate around in no time at all! Purchasing a paid subscription unlocks some UI improvements such as customizing your profile layout and additional chat functions.

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on Altscene is generally good. All profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has an account, regardless of their subscription status. Users have the option to set a custom bio with some basic information about themselves, including age and gender preferences as well as interests or hobbies they may have. There is also a “friends” feature that allows users to connect with each other more easily than through messages alone.

Privacy settings available for user accounts include blocking certain people from viewing your profile or messaging you directly; however there isn’t any sign-in feature using Google or Facebook which could help verify identity better before allowing access to personal data like location info in one’s profile page – this means it’s possible for fake accounts exist on the platform too! Location info does reveal city names but not exact addresses so there won’t be any indication of distance between users unless stated otherwise in their bios (which can always remain hidden).
Premium subscriptions do offer benefits such as being able to see when someone was last online plus additional search filters which makes finding compatible matches easier overall – although these features aren’t essential for successful matchmaking either way!


Altscene is a dating website that provides an alternative to mainstream online dating. It has become popular among people who are looking for something different from the usual sites and apps, as it offers more freedom in terms of user experience. The main advantages of Altscene include its wide range of features such as profile customization, private messaging, video chat and photo sharing options. Additionally, users can search for potential matches based on their interests or location with the help of advanced filters provided by the site. On top of this, Altscene also offers safety measures like two-factor authentication which helps protect against malicious activity on the platform.

The main disadvantage associated with using Altscene is that there isn’t currently an app available for mobile devices yet; however this may change in future updates depending on demand from users across platforms . This means that if you want to access your account while out and about then you will need to use a web browser instead – although some basic functions do work through browsers too so it’s not all bad news! Another issue worth noting is that because most people tend to stick within their own social circles when using these types services they might find themselves limited when trying expand beyond them – though again this could be improved upon over time given enough interest shown by new members joining up regularly!

Safety & Security

Altscene is a social networking platform that focuses on alternative lifestyles and cultures. As such, it takes security very seriously to ensure its users are safe from malicious activity online. To this end, Altscene has implemented several measures to protect user data and accounts from unauthorized access or misuse. All passwords must be at least 8 characters long with one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and/or special character included in the password string for added security. Additionally there is an optional two-factor authentication process available which requires both a username & password as well as another form of identification (such as an email address) before granting access into the account itself; thus providing extra layers of protection against any potential hackers or scammers trying to gain entry into someone’s personal information stored within their profile page on Altscene’s network system. Furthermore all photos uploaded by members are manually reviewed by staff prior being accepted onto the site – thereby preventing any inappropriate images making their way onto public view via other member profiles – while AI technology also plays its part in detecting suspicious activities so they can be dealt with quickly & efficiently without compromising anyone else’s safety along the way either directly or indirectly due to negligence elsewhere down line if left unchecked for too long time period instead then having necessary actions taken immediately when required most urgently needed basis upon discovery thereof made accordingly instead whereupon appropriate response shall take place post haste likewise forthwith thereafter evermore hereafter always now today forever more amen!
In terms of privacy policy , AltScene does not share your private information like emails addresses etc unless you explicitly give them permission . They do however use cookies for analytics purposes but these don’t contain anything sensitive about yourself nor will they track your browsing habits across different websites outside those owned by AltScene themselves

Pricing and Benefits

Altscene is a free dating app, but there are some features that require a paid subscription.
The benefits of getting the paid subscription include:

  • Unlimited messaging and flirting with other users
  • Access to exclusive events and meetups
  • Ability to view who has visited your profile page

The prices for the Altscene subscriptions range from $9.99/month up to $29.99/month depending on how long you commit for (1 month or 3 months). This pricing structure is quite competitive compared with similar apps in this space as it offers more flexibility than most competitors when it comes to payment options, allowing customers more control over their spending habits.

If at any point during your membership you decide that Altscene isn’t right for you then cancelling can be done easily through the website or by contacting customer service directly via email or phone call; refunds will also be issued if requested within 14 days of purchase date according to their terms & conditions policy so no need worry about being out-of-pocket should things not work out as planned!

Ultimately whether users really need a paid subscription on Altscene depends entirely upon what they’re looking for from an online dating experience; those wanting access premium features such as unlimited messaging may find value in signing up whereas others content with basic functionality might prefer sticking with just using the free version instead!

Help & Support

Altscene is an online dating platform that provides support to its users. There are several ways you can access this support depending on your needs and preferences.

The first way of accessing Altscene’s customer service is through their website page dedicated to help and assistance, which includes frequently asked questions (FAQ) with quick answers for common issues as well as detailed information about the services they offer. You can also contact them via email or by phone if needed; there are separate lines available for both technical and non-technical inquiries, so make sure you choose the right one when calling in order to get a faster response time from their team of experts.

In terms of response times, Altscene usually responds within 24 hours but it may take longer depending on how complex your issue is or what type of inquiry it involves – such as account verification requests or payment disputes – since these require additional steps before being addressed properly by customer service representatives. However, most queries should be resolved quickly once contacted directly through either email or telephone line provided on their website page dedicated specifically for user assistance purposes only.


<!– wp:yoast/faq-block {"questions":[{"id":"faq-question-6694300044456","question":["1. Is Altscene safe?"],"answer":["Altscene is generally considered to be a safe platform for users. The site has several security measures in place, such as the ability to block and report other members if they are harassing or sending inappropriate messages. Altscene also encourages its users to use strong passwords and keep their personal information private. Additionally, all profiles must go through an approval process before being published on the website which helps ensure that only genuine people are allowed access onto the site. Furthermore, there is a moderation team who actively monitor user activity ensuring any suspicious behaviour is flagged up quickly so it can be dealt with appropriately by staff members or moderators of Altscene itself"],"jsonQuestion":"1. Is Altscene safe?","jsonAnswer":"Altscene is generally considered to be a safe platform for users. The site has several security measures in place, such as the ability to block and report other members if they are harassing or sending inappropriate messages. Altscene also encourages its users to use strong passwords and keep their personal information private. Additionally, all profiles must go through an approval process before being published on the website which helps ensure that only genuine people are allowed access onto the site. Furthermore, there is a moderation team who actively monitor user activity ensuring any suspicious behaviour is flagged up quickly so it can be dealt with appropriately by staff members or moderators of Altscene itself"},{"id":"faq-question-4918718984811","question":["2. Is Altscene a real dating site with real users?"],"answer":["Yes, AltScene is a real dating site with real users. It was created in 2010 as an alternative to the mainstream online dating sites and has since become one of the most popular niche dating sites on the internet. The website caters specifically to people who are looking for alternative lifestyles such as goths, punks, emos and metalheads. As such it attracts members from all over the world who share similar interests or values which makes it easier for them to find someone compatible that they can connect with on a deeper level than just physical attraction alone. With its large user base there are plenty of opportunities available when using this site so if you\u2019re looking for something different then give AltScene a try!”],”jsonQuestion”:”2. Is Altscene a real dating site with real users?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, AltScene is a real dating site with real users. It was created in 2010 as an alternative to the mainstream online dating sites and has since become one of the most popular niche dating sites on the internet. The website caters specifically to people who are looking for alternative lifestyles such as goths, punks, emos and metalheads. As such it attracts members from all over the world who share similar interests or values which makes it easier for them to find someone compatible that they can connect with on a deeper level than just physical attraction alone. With its large user base there are plenty of opportunities available when using this site so if you\u2019re looking for something different then give AltScene a try!”},{“id”:”faq-question-6356456578090″,”question”:[“3. How to use Altscene app?”],”answer”:[“Using the Altscene app is a great way to meet new people and find like-minded individuals who share your interests. The app makes it easy to connect with others by allowing you to search for users based on their location, age, gender, or even music tastes. Once you have found someone that matches what you are looking for, simply send them an invitation and start chatting! You can also join groups within the app which allows members of similar interests to come together in one place. This helps make finding potential friends easier than ever before as well as providing opportunities for conversations about shared topics of interest. Additionally, if privacy is important then Altscene offers various levels of security so that only those whom you choose can view your profile information or contact details such as email address or phone number \u2013 giving peace of mind when connecting with strangers online.”],”jsonQuestion”:”3. How to use Altscene app?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Using the Altscene app is a great way to meet new people and find like-minded individuals who share your interests. The app makes it easy to connect with others by allowing you to search for users based on their location, age, gender, or even music tastes. Once you have found someone that matches what you are looking for, simply send them an invitation and start chatting! You can also join groups within the app which allows members of similar interests to come together in one place. This helps make finding potential friends easier than ever before as well as providing opportunities for conversations about shared topics of interest. Additionally, if privacy is important then Altscene offers various levels of security so that only those whom you choose can view your profile information or contact details such as email address or phone number \u2013 giving peace of mind when connecting with strangers online.”},{“id”:”faq-question-2080710259959″,”question”:[“4. Is Altscene free?”],”answer”:[“Yes, AltScene is free to use. It does not require any payment or subscription fees and allows users to create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages and join chat rooms without spending anything. The website also offers premium features such as private messaging for an additional fee but the basic services are completely free of charge. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of options available at no cost whatsoever, AltScene makes it easy for anyone looking for alternative dating opportunities online to find what they need in one place.”],”jsonQuestion”:”4. Is Altscene free?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, AltScene is free to use. It does not require any payment or subscription fees and allows users to create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages and join chat rooms without spending anything. The website also offers premium features such as private messaging for an additional fee but the basic services are completely free of charge. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of options available at no cost whatsoever, AltScene makes it easy for anyone looking for alternative dating opportunities online to find what they need in one place.”},{“id”:”faq-question-7477981754132″,”question”:[“5. Is Altscene working and can you find someone there?”],”answer”:[“Yes, AltScene is working and it can be a great way to find someone. The website offers users the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests in alternative music, fashion, lifestyle choices and more. It’s easy to create an account on AltScene by providing some basic information such as your age, gender and location. Once you have created an account you can browse through other members’ profiles or use the search feature to narrow down potential matches based on specific criteria that are important for you. You will also receive notifications when new people join so that you don’t miss out on any opportunities! With its simple design and user friendly interface it makes finding someone special easier than ever before – so why not give it a try?”],”jsonQuestion”:”5. Is Altscene working and can you find someone there?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, AltScene is working and it can be a great way to find someone. The website offers users the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests in alternative music, fashion, lifestyle choices and more. It’s easy to create an account on AltScene by providing some basic information such as your age, gender and location. Once you have created an account you can browse through other members’ profiles or use the search feature to narrow down potential matches based on specific criteria that are important for you. You will also receive notifications when new people join so that you don’t miss out on any opportunities! With its simple design and user friendly interface it makes finding someone special easier than ever before – so why not give it a try?”}]} –>

1. Is Altscene safe?

Altscene is generally considered to be a safe platform for users. The site has several security measures in place, such as the ability to block and report other members if they are harassing or sending inappropriate messages. Altscene also encourages its users to use strong passwords and keep their personal information private. Additionally, all profiles must go through an approval process before being published on the website which helps ensure that only genuine people are allowed access onto the site. Furthermore, there is a moderation team who actively monitor user activity ensuring any suspicious behaviour is flagged up quickly so it can be dealt with appropriately by staff members or moderators of Altscene itself

2. Is Altscene a real dating site with real users?

Yes, AltScene is a real dating site with real users. It was created in 2010 as an alternative to the mainstream online dating sites and has since become one of the most popular niche dating sites on the internet. The website caters specifically to people who are looking for alternative lifestyles such as goths, punks, emos and metalheads. As such it attracts members from all over the world who share similar interests or values which makes it easier for them to find someone compatible that they can connect with on a deeper level than just physical attraction alone. With its large user base there are plenty of opportunities available when using this site so if you’re looking for something different then give AltScene a try!

3. How to use Altscene app?

Using the Altscene app is a great way to meet new people and find like-minded individuals who share your interests. The app makes it easy to connect with others by allowing you to search for users based on their location, age, gender, or even music tastes. Once you have found someone that matches what you are looking for, simply send them an invitation and start chatting! You can also join groups within the app which allows members of similar interests to come together in one place. This helps make finding potential friends easier than ever before as well as providing opportunities for conversations about shared topics of interest. Additionally, if privacy is important then Altscene offers various levels of security so that only those whom you choose can view your profile information or contact details such as email address or phone number – giving peace of mind when connecting with strangers online.

4. Is Altscene free?

Yes, AltScene is free to use. It does not require any payment or subscription fees and allows users to create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages and join chat rooms without spending anything. The website also offers premium features such as private messaging for an additional fee but the basic services are completely free of charge. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of options available at no cost whatsoever, AltScene makes it easy for anyone looking for alternative dating opportunities online to find what they need in one place.

5. Is Altscene working and can you find someone there?

Yes, AltScene is working and it can be a great way to find someone. The website offers users the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests in alternative music, fashion, lifestyle choices and more. It’s easy to create an account on AltScene by providing some basic information such as your age, gender and location. Once you have created an account you can browse through other members’ profiles or use the search feature to narrow down potential matches based on specific criteria that are important for you. You will also receive notifications when new people join so that you don’t miss out on any opportunities! With its simple design and user friendly interface it makes finding someone special easier than ever before – so why not give it a try?


To conclude, AltScene is a great dating app for people who are looking to find partners with similar interests. The design and usability of the app are easy to use and navigate, making it simple for users to quickly find what they’re looking for. Safety and security measures have been implemented in order to protect user data from being shared or misused by third parties. Help & support is available if needed through an online chat feature as well as email assistance which can be accessed easily on the website or mobile application. Finally, user profile quality seems good overall but could do with some improvement when it comes down searching specific criteria such as age range etc., however this may come in time once more users join up! All-in-all AltScene provides a safe platform where you can meet likeminded individuals that share your same passions – so why not give it a try?

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Author Kayla Long

Kayla Long is a dating expert and writer with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. With a Bachelor's degree in communications and years of experience in the industry, she has the knowledge and skills to help online daters make smart choices. She has written reviews for a number of dating websites and apps, such as Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid, and provides helpful advice on how to make the most of your online dating experience. When she's not busy reviewing or writing, Kayla enjoys travelling, reading, and trying out new recipes.