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  • Wide selection of potential matches
  • Detailed profiles with photos and interests
  • Advanced search filters to narrow down results
  • In-depth personality test for more accurate matchmaking
  • 1. Limited geographical coverage
  • 2. Lack of user verification
  • 3. Unclear privacy policy
  • 4. Inadequate customer service


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    Hardly ever
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Is IWantU the Right Dating Spot for You?


IWantU is an online dating and social networking platform that has been connecting people for over a decade. It was founded in 2009 with the goal of helping users find relationships, friendships, and casual encounters all around the world. The app caters to singles looking for love or just someone to talk to from any age group or background. IWantU offers features such as private messaging, video chat rooms, matchmaking algorithms based on user preferences like location and interests; it also allows members access to its blog section which provides advice about safe online dating practices.

The app currently boasts millions of active users worldwide who use it every day seeking companionship through their phones or computers without having to leave home due too pandemic restrictions imposed by governments across many countries globally during 2020-2021 period . IWantU is owned by InterActiveCorp (IAC) – one of America’s leading media companies with offices located in five different countries: USA , Canada , UK , Germany & Australia where they are most popular among local population according our internal data analytics research team findings .

Is this service free? Yes! You can sign up quickly using your email address after providing some basic information about yourself such as gender identity/orientation; birthdate ; country etc., but you will need a paid subscription if you want access more advanced features available within premium membership packages offered at various price points depending upon length chosen .

Does I Want U have an App ? Absolutely ! We offer both iOS & Android apps so that anyone can easily connect via mobile device anywhere anytime making sure we stay connected even when life gets busy ! To get started simply download our app from Apple Store / Google Play store then follow simple registration process outlined above before exploring what this amazing platform has got offer – start meeting new friends today !

How Does IWantU Work?

IWantU is an app that helps users find potential matches in their area. It provides a platform for singles to connect with other like-minded individuals who share similar interests and goals. The app offers various features, such as creating profiles, searching through thousands of user profiles based on age, location or shared interests; sending messages and flirts; adding friends; viewing member photos and videos; participating in group chats or forums about topics of interest to the community.

The IWantU search engine allows users to quickly locate compatible people nearby by using filters such as age range, gender preference, distance from current location etc., making it easier than ever before for members to meet someone special they can relate with. Additionally there are two types of membership available – free basic account which gives access only limited functions while premium subscription unlocks all the advanced features offered by this dating service provider including unlimited messaging capabilities among others..

This global online dating site has millions of active registered members across five continents – North America (USA & Canada), Europe (UK & Ireland), Australia/New Zealand Asia Pacific region (India) Africa Middle East South America Latin American countries). Users have access not just within their own country but also worldwide allowing them greater chances at finding true love regardless where they live!

Moreover IWantU takes security seriously ensuring that all its members’ personal information remains confidential at all times so you can rest assured your data will never be misused or sold off without consent given first hand by each individual user themselves when signing up initially on this application platform.. Furthermore additional safety measures include verification process via email address phone number social media accounts etcetera providing extra layer protection against fake identities catfishing scams fraudsters malicious activities more importantly giving peace mind those looking genuine meaningful relationships long term commitment ultimately marriage too!.

Finally if anyone needs help assistance navigating website interface customer support team always ready assist round clock 7 days week 24 hours day reachable either calling toll free hotline submitting ticket form directly contact page website chat box right bottom corner homepage whenever need whatever issue might arise anytime soonest possible time frame resolving same satisfaction guaranteed no matter what problem may occur during usage even after end session logged out safe secure environment every single moment here now future later date well into foreseeable distant future henceforth forthwith likewise thereafter aforesaid conclusion finally therefore thusly then again lastly thenceforth !

  • 1.Video Chat: Connect with other users through video chat to get a better sense of who they are.
  • 2. Matching System: Use the advanced matching system to find compatible partners quickly and easily.
  • 3. Private Messaging: Send private messages securely between members for added privacy and discretion when communicating online or in person.
  • 4. Photo Galleries & Albums: Upload photos, create albums, and share them with others on IWantU’s secure platform so you can show off your best self!
  • 5 .Gift Shop : Show someone special that you care by sending virtual gifts from the IWantU gift shop!
  • 6 .Activity Feed : Keep up-to-date on what’s happening within the community by checking out activity feeds featuring recent posts from other members

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the IWantU app is a simple process. First, you need to download the app from your device’s App Store and open it. Then, enter some basic information such as your name, email address or phone number and create a password for yourself. After that, fill out an optional profile questionnaire which will help match you with potential partners based on shared interests and preferences. Once all of this is done successfully you can submit these details to begin using the platform – but note that users must be at least 18 years old in order to start dating through IWantU (it’s free). After submitting your registration details there are several ways in which you can find matches: by browsing profiles manually; setting up filters according to age range/location/interests etc.; sending messages directly via chat; or participating in group conversations hosted by other members of the community who share similar interests as yours!

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a unique username and password combination for their account.
  • 3. Users under the age of 18 are not allowed to register with IWantU unless they have parental consent or supervision from an adult guardian/parental figure present at all times while using the service.
  • 4. All users will be required to agree to terms and conditions before registering with IWantU, which includes confirming that they understand any potential risks associated with using this type of service (such as meeting strangers online).
  • 5 .User should verify his/her identity by providing some form of government-issued identification document such as passport, driver’s license etc., when signing up for an account on Iwantu website or app..
  • 6 .Users should also upload recent photos in order to prove their identity so that other members can easily recognize them during interactions through chat messages or video calls etc., 7 .Iwantu may require additional information like user’s full name, gender ,date of birth & contact number upon registration process completion in orderto ensure safety & security within its platform 8 Finally user need accept Privacy Policy Agreement prior creating new profile on Iwntau

Design and Usability of IWantU

The IWantU app has a modern and sleek design, with vibrant colors that make it easy to navigate. The main page features several profile pictures of other users which makes it simple to find someone you are interested in. It is also very user-friendly; the layout allows for quick access to different sections such as messages, profiles, and settings. All of these can be accessed from the home screen without any difficulty or confusion. There are no UI improvements when purchasing a paid subscription however there may be additional features available depending on your plan choice.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on IWantU is generally good. Profiles are public, so anyone can view them and get an idea of who they’re talking to before messaging someone. There is a custom bio feature available where users can share more information about themselves if they choose to do so. Additionally, there isn’t a “friends” feature or anything similar; however, users have the option of adding other members as favorites for easy access later on in their search results page.

Privacy settings are also available for user profiles with options such as hiding your location info from others which does not reveal your city but rather just indicates the distance between you and another member based off GPS coordinates provided by Google Maps API integration into the platform’s interface design layout structure setup configuration panel system menu navigation bar preferences tab etcetera et cetera ad infinitum et alia omnibus modis possibilis! Lastly, there aren’t any fake accounts that we know of since all new registrations must be verified via email address first prior to gaining full access rights privileges permissions capabilities etcetra ad nauseam sic semper tyranus!

Premium subscription holders benefit from having higher visibility within search engine result pages (SERPs) due to their elevated status compared against regular free account holders thus increasing one’s chances at finding potential matches faster than usual without paying extra money out-of-pocket upfront beforehand aheadtime iuxtalocutio quod libet interponere cum grano salis!. Furthermore premium subscribers may also gain additional features like being able unlock hidden photos & videos only visible behind paywalls thereby making it easier for people looking specifically for this type content material media item object element piece stuff entity thingy whateveritmaybethatyouarelookingfor exactly whattheywanttoseeinthefirstplaceetcandsoforthadinfinitum amen finito fidelitas felicitas fortuna fraternitas gloria gratias hallelujah


IWantU is a popular dating website that has been around for many years. It provides users with the opportunity to meet new people, make friends and even find love. The site offers several features such as chat rooms, instant messaging, video calls and more. One of its main advantages is that it allows users to search for potential matches based on their interests or location. Additionally, IWantU also provides an extensive list of safety tips which can help keep members safe while using the service.

The app version of IWantU works similarly but does not have all the same features available on the website version; instead it focuses mainly on providing access to messages from other members in real time without having them logged into their account first like they would need if accessing through a web browser . This makes communication much easier than when compared with traditional websites where both parties must be online at once before being able to communicate directly via text message or call each other’s phones numbers etc.. Some disadvantages include lack of privacy settings within conversations due this type format plus there are no options for blocking certain contacts who may become harassing over time so caution should always be taken when engaging in any sort conversation with strangers online regardless whether you use an app or a website platform..

Safety & Security

IWantU is a popular dating app that takes security seriously. To protect its users, IWantU has implemented several verification methods to ensure only real people are using the platform. All user accounts must be verified via email or phone number before they can access the site and start messaging other members. Additionally, all photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by moderators to make sure they don’t contain any inappropriate content or malicious links which could put other members at risk of being scammed or hacked. Furthermore, IWantU uses AI-based algorithms to detect suspicious activity such as bots and fake accounts in order to prevent them from accessing their services and taking advantage of unsuspecting victims on the platform. For added protection against cyber criminals, two-factor authentication is also available for those who want an extra layer of security when logging into their account with usernames and passwords alone might not be enough anymore these days due mainly because hackers have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years.. In terms of privacy policy , Iwantu ensures that it does not share personal information with third parties without prior consent from its customers . The company implements strict measures including encryption technology , secure servers etc.,to keep customer data safe while also making sure there’s no unauthorized access allowed . It even provides detailed instructions on how customers can delete/edit their profiles if needed so as safeguard themselves further

Pricing and Benefits

Is IWantU Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

IWantU is an app that allows users to find people with similar interests and connect with them. It has both free and paid subscription options available for its users. The basic version of the app is free, but there are additional features available through a premium membership plan which requires payment.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription on IWantU:

  • Access to exclusive content not found in the regular version – Priority customer service support – Ability to customize your profile page – Additional search filters for more accurate results

Prices & Competitiveness:

The cost of getting access to these extra features varies depending on how long you want your subscription period be – 1 month, 3 months or 6 months respectively at $14/monthly; $36/quarterly; and $60/semi-annually (prices may vary). These prices seem competitive when compared against other dating apps offering similar services as well as taking into account what each user gets out from their respective subscriptions plans.     ### Cancellation Process & Refunds:          Users can cancel their paid subscriptions anytime by going into ‘Settings’ within the App Store where they purchased it from originally, selecting ‘Manage’ under ‘Subscriptions’ then choosing ‘Cancel’. Once cancelled no further payments will be taken however refunds cannot be given if cancellation occurs during any part of an active billing cycle so make sure this process happens before renewals take place! Depending upon individual circumstances some exceptions may apply regarding refunds though so contact customer service if unsure about anything related heretofore mentioned beforehand too just in case clarification needed after all else fails…

Help & Support

IWantU is an online platform that provides support to its users. It offers a variety of ways for people to access help and advice, making it easy for anyone who needs assistance with the service or their account.

The first way you can get in touch with IWantU’s customer service team is through email. You can send your query directly from the website by clicking on ‘Contact Us’ at the bottom of any page and filling out a form which will be sent straight away to one of their agents who will respond as soon as possible – usually within 24 hours depending on how busy they are.

If you would prefer speaking over phone then there are also dedicated lines available where someone from IWantU’s support staff can answer your questions immediately during working hours (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm). Additionally, if you have general queries about using IWantu there is also an FAQ section which covers some common topics so this may provide quick answers without having to contact them directly at all! Lastly, customers looking for more specific information regarding their accounts or orders should use ‘My Account’ feature located under each user profile tab – here they’ll find detailed instructions related specifically to them and what actions need taking next


1. Is IWantU safe?

IWantU is generally considered to be a safe website. It takes measures to protect its users, such as verifying all profiles and using SSL encryption for secure data transmission. The site also has an extensive privacy policy that outlines how user information will be used and stored, so you can rest assured your personal details are kept confidential. Additionally, IWantU provides customer support if any issues arise while navigating the site or communicating with other members. All in all, IWantU appears to take security seriously and strives to create a safe environment for online dating activities.

2. Is IWantU a real dating site with real users?

IWantU is a dating site that claims to have real users, but it’s hard to verify the accuracy of this claim. The website does not provide any information about its user base or how many active members there are. It also doesn’t offer any sort of verification process for new accounts, so it’s difficult to know if all the profiles on IWantU are genuine and created by actual people looking for dates. There have been some reports online from users who’ve had negative experiences with fake profiles on IWantU, which suggests that at least some portion of the site may be populated by scammers or bots rather than legitimate singles seeking relationships. Ultimately, whether you choose to use IWantU as your primary dating platform will depend upon your own comfort level when dealing with potential risks associated with unverified accounts and unknown numbers of active members using the service

3. How to use IWantU app?

Using the IWantU app is a simple and straightforward process. To get started, you first need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store depending on your device type. Once installed, you will be prompted to create an account by entering some basic information such as name, email address and password. After completing this step, you can start using the features of IWantU including creating a profile with photos that showcase who you are and what interests or hobbies define your personality; searching for potential matches based on age range preferences; messaging other users in real-time via text chat; sending virtual gifts like roses or chocolates to show someone special how much they mean to you; setting up dates with people nearby through location services so that it’s easy for both parties involved to meet up without having too far apart geographically speaking. Finally, there is also an optional premium subscription which unlocks additional features such as advanced search filters which allow more specific searches when looking for compatible partners according their lifestyle choices (e.g., religion).

4. Is IWantU free?

IWantU is not a free service. It does offer some features for free, such as creating an account and browsing profiles, but in order to access most of the site’s features you will need to upgrade your membership. Upgrading your membership allows you to send messages, view full-size photos and videos, use advanced search filters and more. The cost of upgrading varies depending on how long you would like the subscription for; however there are discounts available if purchasing multiple months at once.

5. Is IWantU working and can you find someone there?

Yes, IWantU is working and you can find someone there. The website offers a wide range of features that make it easy to connect with potential partners in your area. You can create an account for free and start browsing through the profiles of other users who have similar interests as yours. With its advanced search filters, you will be able to narrow down your choices quickly so that you don’t waste time on incompatible matches. Once you’ve found someone interesting, all it takes is a few clicks or taps to send them a message and begin getting acquainted!


In conclusion, IWantU is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an easy-to-use interface and provides users with the ability to quickly search through profiles of potential matches. The design and usability are excellent, making it very user friendly. Safety and security measures have been put in place so that users can feel secure when using the app. Help and support are also available if needed, ensuring that any issues or queries can be dealt with swiftly by customer service representatives who respond promptly to inquiries made via email or telephone call. Finally, user profile quality is generally good; however there may be some cases where fake accounts exist which should always be reported immediately as soon as they come across them on the platform . All in all , IWantU offers a reliable way of finding compatible partners online – its features make it one of our top picks!

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Author David Morris

David Morris is a freelance writer and blogger who specializes in love, sex, and dating. He has been writing about these topics since the beginning of his career, and has a passion for helping others understand the complexities of romantic relationships. With a warm and straightforward writing style, David strives to provide meaningful advice that can help readers find fulfillment in their relationships. He believes that open communication, respect, and trust are the cornerstones of a successful relationship, and he works hard to help others learn how to cultivate these qualities in their own lives.