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Hily Review: Is It Worth The Time In 2023?


Hily is a modern dating app that connects people from all over the world. It was launched in 2017 and has since become one of the most popular platforms for finding love, companionship, or just making new friends. Hily’s mission is to help singles find meaningful connections with other like-minded individuals who share similar interests and values. The platform offers users a variety of features such as an AI matchmaking system, video chat rooms, profile verification options, detailed profiles with photos/videos/audio clips etc., plus much more!

The app currently boasts millions of active users across five countries – United States (US), Canada (CA), Australia (AU), New Zealand (NZ) and India(IN). With its intuitive user interface design combined with advanced matching algorithms it makes connecting easier than ever before. Plus there are no restrictions on age range so anyone can join regardless if they’re 18 or 80 years old!

Using Hily couldn’t be simpler; firstly you need to register either through Facebook or your email address – this process takes less than 5 minutes after which you’ll have access to all the great features available within the app itself including messaging potential matches directly from your phone device via text message notifications too! Additionally registering also gives you access to their website version where further customization options exist allowing for even greater control when searching for compatible partners online . Lastly once registered then simply upload some recent pictures along side writing up a short bio about yourself & what type person would best suit your needs – these steps will ensure maximum visibility while using this service effectively !

In terms of cost ,the basic membership plan is free but additional premium packages do exist offering added benefits such as unlimited swipes per day , exclusive discounts on special events / promotions hosted by hilly plus many others depending upon individual requirements . All payments are made securely via credit card / debit card ensuring peace mind when shopping around here !

Overall whether looking long term relationship someone just fun night out town ; hilly definitely worth checking due sheer amount members actively using it daily basis !!

How Does Hily Work?

Hily is a dating app that helps people find their perfect match. It has become one of the most popular apps for singles, with millions of users from all over the world. The key features of Hily include an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, as well as advanced search filters to help you narrow down your potential matches. Additionally, it offers unique features such as “Moments” which allows you to share photos or videos with other users in order to get noticed by more people and increase your chances at finding love!

Finding profiles on Hily is simple; simply use the search bar located at the top right corner of your screen where you can enter different criteria such as age range, location or interests – this will bring up relevant results so that you can start browsing through them straight away! You also have access to detailed profile information including pictures and bio’s so that it makes it easier for you decide who might be a good fit for yourself. There are many types of users on Hily ranging from casual daters looking for fun experiences all way up serious relationships seekers hoping they’ll meet someone special – no matter what type user are looking there’s sure something out there just waiting discover!

The app boasts millions upon millions active monthly members spread across five countries: USA (the largest market), Canada UK France Germany Italy & Spain making global platform great those wanting connect outside own country boundaries even furthering reach beyond Europe into Asia Australia South America Africa etc… This means whatever kind relationship seeking whether short term long distance flings friendship soulmate possible find somebody suitable within network worldwide .

Additionally , thanks its secure encryption system rest assured private data safe protected against any malicious third parties ensuring smooth enjoyable experience everyone involved . Furthermore , team behind works hard constantly improve quality service update regularly adding new exciting feature make process much smoother better overall ! Finally free signup join allowing anyone give try without having worry about costs upfront giving chance explore options before committing anything else .

  • 1.Video Chat: Hily offers a convenient way to connect with potential matches through video chat.
  • 2. Compatibility Quiz: Users can take the compatibility quiz to find out how compatible they are with other users on the platform.
  • 3. Photo Verification: To ensure safety and authenticity, all photos uploaded by users must be verified before being visible on their profile page.
  • 4. AI Matching System: The app uses an advanced artificial intelligence system that helps match you up with people who have similar interests and values as yours for better connections
  • 5 .Safety Features :Hily provides various features such as real-time moderation of user profiles, photo verification process , 24/7 customer support team etc., in order to provide safe environment for its users while using this dating service
  • 6 .Boost Feature : This feature allows you to increase your visibility among other singles so that more people will notice your profile

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Hily app is a straightforward process. After downloading and opening the app, users are asked to enter their name, age (minimum 18 years old), gender identity and sexual orientation. They can also link their Facebook account for faster registration or sign up with an email address. Once they have completed this step, they will be taken to a page where they can upload photos of themselves as well as answer some questions about themselves such as hobbies and interests in order to create an attractive profile that other users may find interesting. After submitting these details, users will receive matches based on compatibility criteria set by them during registration; allowing them access into conversations with potential partners who meet their preferences – all free of charge!

  • 1.Name: Users must provide their full name to register for Hily.
  • 2. Email Address: A valid email address is required in order to create an account on Hily.
  • 3. Password: All users must set a secure password with at least 8 characters and one number or special character when registering for the app.
  • 4. Date of Birth (DOB): The user’s date of birth will be used as part of the verification process, so it needs to be accurate and up-to-date when creating an account on Hily .
  • 5 Age Verification : In order to use certain features within the app, users may need to verify that they are over 18 years old by providing proof such as a driver’s license or passport photo ID scan/uploaded image file during registration process .
  • 6 Gender Identification : User can choose from male , female , non binary options while signing up for hilly accounts . This information helps match people more accurately based upon preferences set in profile settings page . 7 Location Details : Users should enter their current city location details while registering which would help them find matches nearby who share similar interests & activities etc.. 8 Profile Picture Uploading Option – To complete signup procedure user has option upload picture either taken directly through camera / mobile device OR uploaded from existing social media profiles like Facebook etc ..

Design and Usability of Hily

The Hily app has a bright and modern design, with colors that are easy on the eyes. The interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to find profiles of other people in your area. It also provides an interactive chat feature so you can connect quickly with potential matches. Usability wise, the app makes it simple to navigate through menus and settings without any hassle or confusion. With a paid subscription there are some additional UI improvements such as access to more advanced search filters for finding compatible partners faster than ever before!

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on Hily is quite good. All profiles are public, so anyone can view them and find out more about the person they’re interested in. You can set a custom bio to give others an idea of who you are and what your interests are, as well as add pictures to make it look attractive. There isn’t a “friends” feature but there is something similar called "Matches" which allows users to connect with each other if both parties agree.

Privacy settings available for users include being able to hide their location info or even delete their account completely if needed; however, this does not prevent someone from finding out where you live through your photos or posts that reveal information about yourself such as city names etc.. Additionally, Hily offers Google and Facebook sign-in features which makes signing up easier while also providing additional security measures against fake accounts since all user data must be verified before being allowed access into the app itself.

Lastly, having a premium subscription provides several benefits when it comes down to improving one’s profile quality including advanced search filters (such as age range) , unlimited likes/matches per day , exclusive content & promotions plus many more! This helps increase visibility for those looking for serious relationships by allowing them greater control over how they present themselves online .


Hily is a popular dating app that has been around since 2017. It provides users with an easy way to find potential dates and start conversations in real-time. The app offers several features such as the ability to search for matches based on location, age range, interests, lifestyle preferences and more. Additionally, Hily also includes a unique “Icebreaker” feature which helps break the ice between two people who are interested in each other but don’t know how to start talking about it.

At this time there is no official website for Hily; however they do have their own blog where they post updates about new features or changes being made within the app itself as well as helpful advice regarding online dating safety tips etc.. This could be due to them wanting all of their customers’ interactions take place within one platform – making sure everything stays secure while still providing convenience at its best! The main advantage of using only an App rather than having both a site and App would be that it keeps things simple yet effective by keeping all information up-to-date without needing multiple platforms updated separately from each other constantly

Safety & Security

Hily is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. The app has implemented various security measures such as verifying user accounts, fighting against bots and fake accounts, two-factor authentication option available, etc., in order to ensure the safety of its users. User verification process includes manually reviewing photos uploaded by the user which helps Hily detect any suspicious activity or malicious intent from certain individuals before they are able to access other features on the platform. In addition, Hily also uses AI technology for facial recognition that can identify if someone is using an image taken from another person’s profile or not allowing them access until their identity has been verified through additional methods like email address confirmation. Moreover, it offers a two-factor authentication feature so that only authorized persons have access into your account making sure no one else can log in without permission even if they know your password details . Furthermore ,Hilly takes data privacy seriously with regards to how personal information provided by you during registration is used and shared . It ensures all collected data remains confidential within its system unless requested otherwise via legal procedures

Pricing and Benefits

Is Hily Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

Hily is an app that provides users with the opportunity to meet new people and find dates. It offers free services, but also has paid subscription options for those who want more features.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription on Hily:

  • See who likes you without having to swipe first Price: $9.99/monthly or $59.99/yearly

  • Unlimited swipes & messaging capabilities Price:$19.99/monthly or $119.99/yearly

  • Boost your profile visibility by up to 10x Price:$29 . 99 / monthly o r 1 19 . 9 9 / yearly

  • Get access to exclusive content and events Price : 2 4 . 99 / m o n t h l y o r 7 5 . 0 0 ( one time payment ) OR 89 . 99 / y e a r l y ( includes 3 months free)                         ​ ​ ​ ​                    ​​​            
                                                                                  ████████████ ████████ Cancellation Process : Users can cancel their subscriptions at any time through the settings page in the app, however they will not be refunded for any unused portion of their subscription fees if they choose this option as all payments are non-refundable according Refund Policy terms outlined in our Terms Of Service Agreement.. Additionally, users may contact customer service via email support@hilyappsupportcom with cancellation requests which must include account information such as username , date when user subscribed etc., so we can process them accordingly within 24 hours from receiving request during business days.. Please note that after cancelling your membership you will still have access until end of current billing cycle unless requested otherwise prior contacting us about cancellation matter mentioned above .. ##### Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Hilly? While there are some benefits associated with getting a paid subscription on Hilly, many users do not feel like these features justify spending money every month on an app like this one since most other dating apps offer similar services without requiring payment upfront

Help & Support

Hily provides a variety of support options to its users. The first option is the Hily Help Center, which contains frequently asked questions and answers related to various topics such as account settings, billing issues, technical problems and more. This page also has an extensive list of tutorials that can help you with any issue you may have while using the app. Additionally, if your question isn’t answered in this section or requires further assistance from customer service representatives then there are two ways for contacting them: via email or phone call.

When it comes to response time when reaching out through either method mentioned above – emails usually get responded within 24 hours whereas calls will be answered immediately by one of our friendly customer service reps who will do their best to assist you with whatever query or problem you might have encountered on Hily’s platform . Furthermore , all conversations between customers and agents are confidential so no need for worries about privacy here!

Finally , another great way accessing support on Hily is by joining its community forum where members share tips & tricks regarding how they use the app plus answer each other’s queries – providing valuable insight into potential solutions that could solve common problems faced by many users alike ! All posts made in this space are moderated before being published live so rest assured knowing only helpful information gets shared here .


1. Is Hily safe?

Yes, Hily is a safe dating app. The platform has taken extra measures to ensure the safety of its users and protect them from any potential harm. All profiles are verified with an AI-based algorithm that checks for authenticity before allowing anyone to join the community. Additionally, all messages sent on Hily are encrypted end-to-end so that only you and your match can read it – no one else will be able to access or view your conversations! Furthermore, they have also implemented advanced filters which allow users to block certain types of people from contacting them as well as report suspicious behavior if needed. With these features in place along with their dedicated customer support team always ready to help out whenever necessary; there’s no doubt why many consider Hily a secure online space for finding love!

2. Is Hily a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Hily is a real dating site with real users. The platform has been designed to provide an easy and secure way for people of all ages to find love online. It offers features such as automated matching, video chats, photo verification and live streaming that make it easier than ever before for users to connect with potential matches in their area or around the world. Additionally, Hily’s team works hard behind the scenes to ensure its members are genuine by verifying each profile manually through manual reviews and using advanced technology like AI-based algorithms that detect suspicious activity on the app. With these measures in place along with 24/7 customer support available via email or chatbot service – you can be sure your experience on Hily will be safe and enjoyable!

3. How to use Hily app?

Using the Hily app is simple and straightforward. After downloading it from your device’s app store, you will be asked to create an account with a valid email address or phone number. Once registered, you can begin searching for potential matches by setting up filters such as age range, gender preference and location. You can also browse through profiles of other users who have similar interests as yours using the “Discover” feature on the home page of the app.

When browsing through different user profiles that match your criteria, you may like them by tapping on their profile picture or send messages directly to start conversations with them if they are online at that time. If someone likes back your profile in return then both parties become connected which allows further communication between each other via text chat or video call features available within Hily App itself!

4. Is Hily free?

Yes, Hily is free to use. The app does not require any subscription fees or other charges in order to access its features and services. All users can take advantage of the full range of features available on the platform without having to pay anything extra. Furthermore, there are no hidden costs associated with using Hily as all transactions are transparently displayed within the app itself so that you know exactly what you’re paying for at all times.

5. Is Hily working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Hily is working and you can find someone there. The app provides a safe space for users to connect with others who share similar interests or backgrounds. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows users to quickly browse through profiles of potential matches based on their preferences and location. Additionally, the app offers various features such as chat rooms, icebreakers, virtual gifts, photo verification services which help make sure people are real and not bots or scammers trying to take advantage of other members. With its extensive user base across different countries around the world combined with its advanced matching algorithm makes it one of the best apps out there when it comes to finding your perfect match!


In conclusion, Hily is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent; the user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. Safety and security features such as profile verification ensure that users can trust each other on the platform. The help center provides comprehensive support in case of any issues or queries, while user profiles offer detailed information about potential matches so you can make an informed decision before messaging them. All in all, Hily offers an enjoyable experience with its well-rounded features – it’s definitely worth trying out!

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Author Kayla Long

Kayla Long is a dating expert and writer with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. With a Bachelor's degree in communications and years of experience in the industry, she has the knowledge and skills to help online daters make smart choices. She has written reviews for a number of dating websites and apps, such as Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid, and provides helpful advice on how to make the most of your online dating experience. When she's not busy reviewing or writing, Kayla enjoys travelling, reading, and trying out new recipes.