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  • 1. Free to join
  • 2. Global membership base
  • 3. Secure and safe platform for online dating
  • 4. Faith-based matching system
  • 5. Variety of communication options
  • Lack of safety features
  • Limited search filters
  • No video chat option
  • Low user base
  • High subscription fees


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    Hardly ever
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AdventistSingles Review: Is It The Right Choice For You In 2023?


AdventistSingles is an online dating platform designed to help single Adventists find love and companionship. Launched in 2009, the app has grown into one of the most popular niche-dating sites for Christian singles around the world. With over 500,000 active users worldwide, it’s easy to see why so many people have found their special someone on this unique platform.

The app was created by a team of Seventh Day Adventists who wanted to create a safe space where like-minded individuals could meet and connect with each other without fear or judgement from those outside their faith community. The site caters specifically towards Christians looking for serious relationships that will last beyond just physical attraction; instead focusing on shared values such as spirituality and family life which are core tenets within Christianity itself but particularly important among Seventh Day Adventists due to its traditional beliefs regarding marriage between two believers in God’s word – something often lacking when seeking partners through mainstream platforms such as Tinder or Bumble..

Owned by Spark Networks SE (NYSE:LOV), AdventistSingles is available free of charge across five countries – United States, Canada, Australia New Zealand & South Africa – making it accessible globally yet tailored towards local needs depending upon geographical location; ensuring all members can access content relevant only them no matter what part of the world they may be living in at any given time!

For those wishing use mobile devices rather than desktop computers there’s also an official Android App version available via Google Play Store while Apple iOS users can download directly from iTunes store too meaning you never need miss out even if away travelling abroad either work/pleasure related trips etc… Allowing members remain connected 24/7 regardless wherever located makes using this service much more convenient compared similar offerings elsewhere market today!

To register simply enter your name along with valid email address before choosing password then click ‘Create Account’ button fill rest required fields correctly complete sign up process ready start searching compatible matches immediately afterwards!

How Does AdventistSingles Work?

AdventistSingles is a dating app designed specifically for Adventists, offering an easy and efficient way to meet other like-minded singles. It offers users the ability to search through thousands of profiles from around the world in order to find their perfect match. Users can filter by age, gender, location or interests so they can quickly narrow down potential matches that fit their criteria. Additionally, AdventistSingles provides its members with helpful tools such as messaging capabilities and photo albums which allow them to connect more easily with each other. The app also has a secure login system which ensures user privacy at all times while using it’s services

The majority of users on AdventistSingles are from North America (United States & Canada), but there are also many active members from Europe (UK & Germany) as well as Australia/New Zealand and South Africa too! There’s something for everyone here – whether you’re looking for casual dates or serious relationships; single parents or young professionals; Christians who share your faith tradition – this site has it all! You’ll be sure to find someone special no matter what country you come from because our membership base is incredibly diverse! In terms of finding compatible partners on the platform itself – once logged in simply use either ‘Browse Matches’ where you will see suggested profiles based off preferences set during sign up process OR use ‘Search Profiles’ option where advanced filters such distance radius etc may be used if desired when searching specific locations / regions . With both options available – matching suitable candidates should not take long at all !

For those seeking even greater security measures , features like video chat allows people get know one another better before taking things further whilst private message function enables conversations between two parties without any third party interference . This helps ensure peace mind especially when talking sensitive topics within relationship dynamics .

Finally , adventistsingles offer premium subscription plans that give access exclusive content including extra filtering options ; full profile viewing privileges plus additional perks depending upon chosen plan type e g unlimited messages sent per day rather than limited number free version gives out .. All these benefits make paying small fee worthwhile investment time effort into online love life !

  • 1.Ability to search for compatible matches based on faith, interests and lifestyle.
  • 2. Messaging system that allows users to connect with other Adventist singles in their area or around the world.
  • 3. Access to a community of like-minded individuals who share similar values and beliefs about life and relationships.
  • 4. Personalized profile page where members can showcase themselves through photos, videos, music, blogs etc..
  • 5 .AdventistSingles Blogs & Forums which provide an opportunity for meaningful conversations between members from all over the globe
  • 6 .Safety features such as photo verification options that ensure only real people are connecting with each other

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The registration process for the AdventistSingles app is straightforward and simple. First, users will need to provide basic information such as their gender, age (users must be at least 18 years old), email address, and password. Once this has been completed they can then create a profile by providing additional details about themselves including physical appearance characteristics like height or hair color; lifestyle choices such as whether they smoke or drink alcohol; religious beliefs and practices; hobbies/interests etc. After submitting these details the user’s account will be created allowing them to start searching for potential matches in their area using various filters available on the app. The service is free of charge so there are no hidden costs associated with registering an account on AdventistSingles but users may choose to upgrade later if desired in order to access more features that are not available with a standard membership package

  • 1.Provide a valid email address.
  • 2. Create a username and password for your account.
  • 3. Agree to the terms of service and privacy policy of AdventistSingles website
  • 4. Choose whether you are seeking male or female matches, or both genders if desired
  • 5. Select age range preferences for potential matches
  • 6 .Provide basic information about yourself such as physical appearance, interests/hobbies, religious beliefs etc., in order to create an accurate profile
  • 7 .Upload at least one photo that meets the guidelines set by AdventistSingles (no nudity) 8 .Verify your account via email before being able to access all features on the site

Design and Usability of AdventistSingles

The AdventistSingles app has a modern and clean design with bright colors that make it easy to navigate. The profiles of other people are easily accessible from the main page, allowing users to quickly find potential matches. The usability is straightforward; all features are clearly labeled and simple instructions guide you through each step of the process. There aren’t any UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but some additional features may be available depending on your plan type.

User Profile Quality

The profiles on AdventistSingles are public, so anyone can view them. Users have the option to set a custom bio and include information about their interests and hobbies. There is also a “friends” feature that allows users to connect with each other if they wish. The platform offers various privacy settings for users who want more control over what others see in their profile, such as hiding location info or restricting access only to certain people. Signing up via Google or Facebook is available for added convenience but there are no fake accounts since all profiles must be verified by the site administrators before being activated online. Location info in user profiles includes city name without any indication of distance between two members which may be beneficial depending on one’s preferences when looking for potential matches nearby.. Premium subscribers benefit from additional features like unlimited messaging and enhanced visibility of their profile compared to free membership holders’ ones .


AdventistSingles is a dating website specifically designed for members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It offers an easy way to connect with other singles who share similar values and beliefs. The site provides various features such as chat rooms, forums, photo galleries and more that allow users to get acquainted with each other in a safe environment. One of the main advantages of using this site is its focus on faith-based relationships; it also has strict guidelines against inappropriate behavior which helps keep things civil between users. Additionally, AdventistSingles allows people from all over the world to join so they can find their perfect match regardless of location or culture differences. On the downside however, some have complained about technical issues while navigating through certain parts of the website due to outdated software being used by developers at times .

The app version for Android devices works similarly but differs slightly in terms functionality compared to its web counterpart – allowing access only when connected online instead providing full offline support like many apps do today (iTunes App Store). This means you won’t be able view profiles or send messages without having internet connection available first – something that could prove inconvenient if looking for potential matches during travels abroad where wifi may not always be accessible/available easily .

Safety & Security

AdventistSingles takes the security of its users very seriously. To ensure that all members are real people, they have a verification process in place to protect against bots and fake accounts. This includes manual photo reviews by their team as well as AI-based facial recognition technology for extra assurance. Additionally, AdventistSingles offers two-factor authentication so that users can further secure their account with an additional layer of protection from hackers or malicious actors.

When it comes to privacy policy, AdventistSingles has strict guidelines in place which outline how user data is collected and used within the platform’s services such as matchmaking algorithms or profile recommendations etc.. They also provide clear instructions on what information is visible publicly and what remains private between registered members only; this ensures maximum safety for everyone involved while using the site’s features responsibly

Pricing and Benefits

AdventistSingles is a free app for people who are looking to meet other Adventists and build relationships. The basic features of the app, such as creating an account, searching profiles, sending messages and viewing photos are all available without any cost.

However, if users want more access to additional features they can upgrade their membership with a paid subscription plan which offers some extra benefits like advanced search filters or seeing who has viewed your profile. These plans come in three different options: monthly ($19/month), quarterly ($44/quarter) or yearly ($99/year). Compared to similar apps on the market these prices seem quite competitive so it might be worth considering upgrading depending on what you’re looking for from this service.

If at any point you decide that you no longer need the premium services then cancelling your subscription is easy – simply go into ‘My Account’ settings and click cancel my membership button followed by confirming cancellation when prompted. Refunds may also be available depending on how long ago you made payment but please note that refunds will not include payments already used up during active periods (e..g if cancelled after 1 month of using out of 3 months total).

All in all it really depends whether users feel they need those extra perks provided by getting a paid subscription – while there isn’t anything wrong with just sticking with the free version many have found success through paying for one-time upgrades too!

Help & Support

AdventistSingles is a great platform for those looking to meet other single Adventists. The website offers various ways of accessing support, depending on the type of help you need.

The first way to access support is through their online contact form located at the bottom right corner of every page on their website. This allows users to send in any queries or issues they may have and receive an answer within 24 hours from one of their customer service representatives. They also offer phone support with a toll-free number available during business hours so that customers can speak directly with someone who can provide assistance quickly and efficiently.

Finally, there are several FAQs pages located throughout the site which address common questions about how AdventistSingles works as well as general information about membership fees, safety tips and more – all designed to make it easier for members get answers without having to wait for direct contact from customer service staff or search extensively through different sections on the site itself! In addition, if your query isn’t answered by these resources then you can always reach out via email or telephone using details provided above – response times vary but usually range between 1-2 days maximum depending upon complexity/urgency etc..


1. Is AdventistSingles safe?

AdventistSingles is a safe and secure dating site. They use industry-leading security protocols to protect their members’ data, including encryption of all personal information. The website also has several safety features in place such as the ability to block or report suspicious users, an anonymous chat option for those who wish to remain private, and detailed profiles that allow you to learn more about potential matches before making contact with them. Additionally, AdventistSingles offers advice on how best to stay safe when meeting someone online so that members can make informed decisions about who they are interacting with on the platform. All these measures ensure that your experience using AdventistSingles will be both enjoyable and secure!

2. Is AdventistSingles a real dating site with real users?

Yes, AdventistSingles is a real dating site with real users. It has been in operation since 1999 and currently boasts over 70,000 members worldwide. The website offers many features to help its users find compatible matches such as profile matching tools, chat rooms and forums for discussion of topics related to the Christian faith or other interests. In addition to these features, AdventistSingles also provides advice on creating successful online relationships through articles written by experts in the field of online dating safety and etiquette. With all these resources available at their fingertips it’s no wonder that so many people have found success using this service!

3. How to use AdventistSingles app?

Using the AdventistSingles app is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store depending on your device. Once downloaded, open up the application and create an account with a valid email address. After creating your profile, you can start browsing through other users’ profiles in order to find someone that matches what you are looking for in a potential partner. You can also use various filters such as age range or location to narrow down your search results even further if needed. Once you have found someone who interests you, simply send them a message using AdventistSingles’ built-in messaging system! If they respond positively then it’s time for both of you to get talking about yourselves and see where things go from there! With so many great features available within this amazing dating platform – including private chat rooms – it has never been easier than ever before for single Seventh Day Adventists around the world connect with one another online!

4. Is AdventistSingles free?

AdventistSingles is a free online dating site specifically for Adventists. The website offers an easy-to-use platform that allows members to connect with other likeminded singles who share similar beliefs and values. It’s completely free to join, create a profile, search through the database of available singles in your area, send messages and even participate in group discussions on various topics related to faith and relationships. Members can also browse photos of potential matches or post their own pictures so others can get an idea of what they look like before deciding if they want to take things further by arranging a date or meeting up offline.

5. Is AdventistSingles working and can you find someone there?

AdventistSingles is a dating site specifically for members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It has been in operation since 1999 and currently boasts over 100,000 active users from around the world. The website offers an array of features to help singles find compatible matches based on their preferences and interests. These include detailed profile creation tools, advanced search filters, chat rooms, private messaging systems and more. With so many people using this service it is possible to find someone who meets your criteria whether you are looking for friendship or romance. Many couples have met through AdventistSingles which proves that it can be a successful way to meet like-minded individuals with similar values as yourself!


In conclusion, AdventistSingles is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are excellent; users can easily navigate through its features with ease. Safety and security measures have been implemented on the platform, allowing users to feel secure while using it. Help and support from customer service representatives is also available if needed by any user who has questions or concerns about their account or experience on the site. Lastly, user profile quality appears to be quite good overall as well – profiles appear complete with detailed information provided that helps make finding compatible matches easier than ever before! All in all, AdventistSingles seems like an ideal choice when it comes to online dating apps specifically designed for Seventh-day Adventists around the world!

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Author Logan Edwards

Logan Edwards is an experienced writer and editor with a focus on online dating and relationships. He has written extensively on the ins and outs of modern relationship dynamics and online dating etiquette for publications including The Guardian, GQ, and The Atlantic. Logan’s work has been praised for its sharp wit, keen insight, and ability to delve into complex topics with clarity and sensitivity. He is dedicated to helping people make more informed decisions about their love lives and believes that the power of connection is a key ingredient in any successful relationship.